How long did it take for you to respond to the diet?

Been following Buchholz’s diet for about 3 weeks now and I’m kind of getting impatient - doesn’t seem like I’ve gotten that much better. I know it can take 6-8 weeks to see the full benefit, but I’m just curious how long it took for you guys to respond to the diet. Thanks in advance

  • Geoff

I responded very quickly - noticeable change within 3 weeks and a dramatic change within 5, but I also react very fast to food triggers going in the other direction (reaction within the hour most times). I have no idea if they are related, but maybe. The diet may or may not even have a dramatic effect on you, so I would keep plugging away, give it a fair trial, and then be willing to move on if the results aren’t what you need. Are you being strict about it? I have been going back on the diet again, and have not been as good this time about not cheating here and there, and I must say, things are much slower going this time - being super strict seemed to be necessary for me. I need to be better about giving up EVERYTHING again.

— Begin quote from “DizzyForLife?”

I responded very quickly - noticeable change within 3 weeks and a dramatic change within 5, but I also react very fast to food triggers going in the other direction (reaction within the hour most times). I have no idea if they are related, but maybe. The diet may or may not even have a dramatic effect on you, so I would keep plugging away, give it a fair trial, and then be willing to move on if the results aren’t what you need. Are you being strict about it? I have been going back on the diet again, and have not been as good this time about not cheating here and there, and I must say, things are much slower going this time - being super strict seemed to be necessary for me. I need to be better about giving up EVERYTHING again.

— End quote

I’ve been pretty strict. I’ve been on it for about 4 weeks and seem to already be making progress. I would be a lot farther along had it not been for corn, garlic, and tomatoes also being triggers :x

Think I just need to be more patient

I responded pretty quickly as well…went from being dizzy 24/7 for about 3 months, to reading Dr. B’s book, to eliminating all the foods, to feeling better about a month afterwards. I also started taking Vitamin B2, Magnesium, and Cymbalta at the same time.

It was a noticeable improvement because I had sooo much anxiety at the time thinking I wouldn’t be able to work…and then I was actually able to cope with work. At first I cried every single day, like after a huge loss, and then, as I got better, I started crying less (now, it’s just about once a month, on a bad day).

What’s interesting to me now is that I can’t seem to find food triggers when I try these foods (though I suspect nuts but haven’t reintegrated anything, just tried occasionally); mostly, my triggers have to do with light, sound, and stress.

Hang in there :slight_smile: ! It can get better, though I don’t feel it’ll go away entirely (I hope I’m wrong). Most days it feels like I’m on the edge about to go over, and most hours it stays that way, until it doesn’t. And then I get back to my new normal. I find that when I garden, I feel 100% normal!