How to lie in bed

Yep, that’s me exactly. Right side only!


I can’t do either side. Back only with my head slightly propped.

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I am the same, right side only! How strangee :frowning:

I’m also a rightie

Left here

The best for me is to lie on the back and holding the head in the middle. Does anybody know why it is better for us to hold the head in a special position?

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(Joke on the destressing effect of honesty in intimate relations.)


My neurologist who never told me of MV but did diagnose me with BPPV always told me to turn the affected side of my head down first when beginning the head exercises. That was always the right side of my head for some reason. I have always fallen to the right when MV was at its worst, and my right ear has always felt fullest even when my GP said I had more fluid on my left ear. It is strange that most respondents lie on their right side almost exclusively. Changing to a back position or left lying position has frequently triggered episodes of BPPV that continued for several days, weeks, and even months (making it unlikely to have been BPPV in the first place due to duration). Has anyone else had this position change as a trigger for more than a transitional episode?

I can only sleep or lay on my back with my head propped up on 3 pillows, not very comfy but otherwise my head spins non stop.

I was diagnosed by ENT specialist with Bilateral BPPV and was then referred to a Neurologist who reaffirmed Bilateral BPPV and
also diagnosed MAV/VM. My ENT wants me to have an operation on one of my inner ears to have it ‘‘plugged’’ but Neurologist
is still trying other methods first (which aren’t working).

I have trouble lying flat on either ear and I’m also no good on my stomach face down.

It’s so strange . I still don’t understand how migraine can cause positional issues??!

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Have slept sat up for 16 months now and I too am confused as to why VM can cause positional problems. I do feel though that it is the placing my head on something that makes me spin. Also the closing of my eyes make me spin. Have tried testing this by laying there will eyes open and I don’t spin as much but as soon as my eyes close I’m on a roundabout. Weird?

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— Begin quote from “david shapiro”

(Joke on the destressing effect of honesty in intimate relations.)


— End quote
