I can stop tinnitus!

My symptoms and ailments ABSOLUTELY relate to everyone on this board and ABSOLUTELY point towards MAV. The numb face, burning sensations, motion intolerance, visual disequilbrium, sensitivity to light, etc.

However, there is one item related to my issues which I am curious if anyone else can relate to?

I have tinnuitis pretty much 24/7 with different tones, etc. The sounds are always louder and more pronounced when I am feeling foggier, as if my brain is on information overload and is buzzing like a bee hive.

If I plug my nose and lightly blow (valsava), I can get the tinnuitis to stop for a bitā€¦at least until I swallow and the ringing/humming starts again!

Is this ā€œnormalā€ or does it suggest anything else? Or is it simply a slight variance of ailments compared to others?

I have never heard of others that can stop their tinnuitis for a few secondsā€¦just curious if this suggests anything else?



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Hi Todd,

this may sound strange, but Iā€™ve noticed I can sometimes get my tinnitus to stop for a split second or so by sticking my finger in my ear and pulling things around - like pulling the ear-way ā€˜openā€™! But it only stops for a plit-second :frowning:


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Tony, same thing happens to me. If I put my finger in my ear for a few seconds and then take it out, the ringing stops for 3 seconds and then returns. However, if I wear earplugs I can still hear it.

Before you can even attempt to treat tinnitus or to seek http://www.buy-tinnituscontrol.com/tinnitus-relief-in-top-3-natural-effective-ways/, it is important to understand that tinnitus is not a sickness. Tinnitus results from some other underlying condition and it is that condition that needs to be determined before the correct tinnitus treatment can be decided upon. Tinnitus is a condition that often accompanies hearing loss, and while tinnitus is sometimes permanent, for most people there is tinnitus treatment that can help.

Yes, itā€™s considered one of the symptoms of MAV. :evil:

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I posted this at men.org. You might find this interesting to see if it helps with the tinnitus.


Hi there, what tinnitus treatments do you know of? Judy

My tinnitus goes away completely ā€¦ for about 30 seconds :sweat_smile: ā€¦ after taking a phone call using my bad ear.

I literally get silence again that Iā€™ve not experienced in several years. The phone call doesnā€™t simply mask the tinnitus it literally stops it (for a short spell).

I donā€™t know if this is a new thing for me and a sign things are easing up ā€¦ but only recently noticed it.

Anyone else get this?

(Not going to poll this because Iā€™m not sure itā€™s that generically useful)


Hey, 30 seconds is a start!! Maybe a little research (which I know youā€™re good at!) on the effects of vibration on tinnitus? Hereā€™s hoping itā€™s the start of something good for you! Keep us posted.

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I havenā€™t had this - nothing seems to stop the noise for me. Tinnitus seems to have its own set of rules which is probably why it is difficult to beat.

No, but I had something similar with dizziness. Iā€™ve always have a slight orthostatic hypotension and when stand up to fast I can get really lightheaded to the point where I almost faint. In that weird state where Iā€™m coming back from almost fainting my dizziness would completely go away for about 5 seconds. It was the ONLY time I had zero dizziness in the entire 3+ year battle with MAV. It drove me nuts trying to figure out why! The Neurologist just dismissed it, but it was real.


Wow. Thatā€™s interesting. I believe it was real.


I also have posterior orthostatic hypotension and tachycardiaā€¦ POTS if you will - annoying but waxes and wanes and usually is pretty manageable.

BUT, I found this post interesting. I donā€™t have constant tinnitus - thank the Lord. But when I am having a hypotension episode, just after standing up, my vision goes black, I get sweaty and then full blown tinnitus until I crawl back to bed and lie flat. Then it goes. Itā€™s very loud too.

So dizziness goes for you but tinnitus comes for me.


That might indicate a relative lack of independence of the inner ear wrt to local blood pressure which leads me back my to my theory that thereā€™s something causing pressure in the inner ear to be too high for it to retain its independence. Thatā€™s either biochemical or physical in nature.

OK it gets weirder and why I think, for me at least, the whole MAV thing is related to the middle ear muscles.

When I take a phone call in my good ear, something in my bad, left ear starts to spasm! Itā€™s not that uncomfortable but it definitely makes for a peculiar sensation and doesnā€™t make sense because the only loud noise is in my right ear.

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Interesting, Is the spasm like a fluttering sensation, or like a muscle seizing up?

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Somewhere between a flutter and a set of thumps.

I get the fluttering , but not the thump. Itā€™s very annoying and I have no idea what triggers it - it is usually in my left ear, which is the one with the perforated ear drum, so I tend to blame that.

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Oh I get a flutter/clicking at other times too. Definitely some kind of spasm.

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Hi James - I am tidying up emails etc and have just re-found this article - it explains the fluttering and talks about muscle contraction:

Middle ear muscle disorders: presentation, diagnosis and management | ENT & Audiology News