Hi everyone!
I just discovered this forum and I’m so glad I did. I’m not going crazy after all. For about 30 years I’ve had “attacks” that no one seemed to know how to categorize. I would have 2-3 days of extreme dizziness and my head, while not actually hurting, would feel like it was being squeezed. Fortunately, I only would get these episodes rarely; sometimes years between them. But, they always followed the same pattern: 2 days of dizziness, one day of complete exhaustion. I went to an ENT in 1987 who said it was Meunieres, then I went to an ENT a few years later who said it wasn’t Meunieres, it was probably sinuses. Finally I saw an ENT who said he thought it was some form of migraine and gave me Relpax. True to form, however, I didn’t have another “attack” for a few years. I used the Relpax, but wasn’t sure it helped.
They went away again for a while, only happening sporadically and always following the same pattern. In December 2014 I had the first one for a few years and it was the same. I went to a neurologist (finally) near where I live who said it was a “basilar migraine” and prescribed Imitrex. Then, in May of 2016 I had one that lasted for 2-2 1/2 weeks. I took the Imitrex, which didn’t seem to do much. It got better after the initial 2-3 day blast, but then leveled off and I just felt some vertigo, heaviness in my head. After about 2-2 1/2 weeks it just disappeared. Until January 13, 2017. That was three weeks ago and I’m better, but still feeling not right. I went to my neurologist who wants to put me on Topomax, but after reading all the nasty side effects I decided to get a second opinion.
I went to a neurologist at the Weill-Cornell headache center which is part of New York-Presbyterian Hospital. The doctors here are considered “super-doctors” and I was lucky to get an appointment as quickly as I did, because someone had cancelled.
This doctor listened to my symptoms and immediately said I was having vestibular migraines. He does not want to put me on Topomax because of my history of only having them once a year or so. However, this is just hanging on and, while I’m better than I was a week ago, I still feel like I have a heavy head and some dizziness when I move my head a certain way. I actually feel better as the day progresses and I can almost forget it, until I move my head that way!
However, I was starting to become anxious that I would never get better and I called the NY doctor who called me back rather quickly, thank goodness. I asked if it would go away and he said “absolutely.” I asked if he was sure and he said “100%.” I asked if there was anything I could take and he said he doesn’t believe in over medicating patients and that I needed to “let nature take its course.”
Sorry this is so long, but I have been suffering from this for 3 weeks now. It has gotten better, but it still is awful. I’m a high school teachers, so I have been going to work and just sticking it out. As I said before, I do feel better by the afternoon. I don’t have any problems driving and I don’t feel off-balance, I just feel “off”, if you know what I mean. I have hope because so many of you say it does go away, albeit slowly, and many without meds.
Any suggestions?? Thank you in advance!