Hi everyone. I recently have had great success with verapamil and settled on 240mg, i initially started getting one or two skips of my heart that i mentioned to my gp and she asked if i had had regular ecg’s with my verapamil usage which i hadn’t because i had Never been advised to do so. Later that week i started getting chest pains and more heart skips so i went to get an ecg it came back with a few issues, that the doctor was really concerned about. I then called my specialist to ask what to do and be said be knew ecg changes can occur from verapamil and that i should halve the dose and see a cardiologist. I have to titrate up on my epilim before i fully drop my verap due to migraines.
I just want to let everyone know that getting an ecg done before starting verap and then getting an ecg done every big titration and then Regular ecg after that is important, if i was advised on this earlier my situation im in could have been avoided.
I have a similar issue with my epilim never been advised on regular blood tests until i went to my gp and mentioned it after reading it on the net and she said definately yes you should have already been warned aBout this.
It’s important to ask with a new med what regular tests you will need to stay safe on these meds :).