In retrospect

since my first attack, and totally oblivious to my condition, i know mow that several things that the family has thought of as a ‘whacky mom’ism’ was actually something i began doing as compensation.

for example: long time ago, i could not watch television in complete darkness because it created a sense of ‘unrightness’.

aversion to noise. i think i might have always been like this, though. children rough housing made my head rumble something fierce.

in retrospect, do you recognize any spontaneous compensation techniques that you might have adopted prior to dx to cope?with daily living?
my goal is to show how our bodies do work, without our even knowing it, to correct itself.

I have to compensate every second of everyday to get through this, like walking as little as possible, leaning on a chair when preparing food in the kitchen, sitting in the dark, wearing sunglasses, etc, etc, etc, etc.

— Begin quote from “MAVLisa”

I have to compensate every second of everyday to get through this, like walking as little as possible, leaning on a chair when preparing food in the kitchen, sitting in the dark, wearing sunglasses, etc, etc, etc, etc.

— End quote

same here. just wondering about rhose things we pick up before we knew we were sick.
between my two crashes and the occasional dizzy days…i had no clue. all the while, my body was compensating.

fortunately, before I was ill, I was in wonderful health and never had to compensate. I was NEVER EVER dizzy. I did get ocular migraines and headaches and had to avoid certain lighting at times, as it would bring on an ocular migraine, but that’s about it.

— Begin quote from “MAVLisa”

fortunately, before I was ill, I was in wonderful health and never had to compensate. I was NEVER EVER dizzy. I did get ocular migraines and headaches and had to avoid certain lighting at times, as it would bring on an ocular migraine, but that’s about it.

— End quote

Hmmm…and I increasingly grew into mine. To have had so many years to ‘grow into’ where i am today, I now must consider myself to be very fortunate in my ‘misfortune’.

The only thing I had to do was avoid my triggers of scents and chemicals in order not to get a headache. I was never dizzy with this before last year…so if I avoided what caused my headaches then I could do okay but I often wonder if I had made the lifestyle changes earlier would I have still been hit with this additional symptom.