Absolutely Vic.
Yeh my daughter tells me the meat chickens are not caged as the meat will become briused, makes sense.
I wish we all lived loving our animals and respecting there short lives," egg chicken " are kept in tiny cages, so sad.
I only ever buy free range eggs.
Friends of mine with a big back yard have their own chickens now. So they have fresh, “organic” cage free eggs every day. I live in a flat so would be only marginally less cage-y for the chooks .
yep , between a rock and a hard place Vic. :shock:
I discovered this list of peri/menopausal symptoms which is somewhat shorter but extremely similar to one I found recently in the National Press… Symptoms remarkably similar to most of those many peri/menopausal women attribute to MAV… if nothing else that must indicate we can experience a double whammy.
A few very relevant extras from the more recent list included Fatigue, sleep problems, allergies, mood swings, panic disorders, tingling extremities and muscle tension.
Another article, on Brain Fog, which it seems is almost diagnostic of peri/menopause, very common. Retrospectively that means I can now establish when I was perimenopausal as I had Brain Fog every weekday morning for about a decade before menopause. I have always felt there were very strong links indeed causation even. Seems it could well be the migraine, silent or otherwise, is just one symptom amongst the many of the fluctuating hormones that end up as Menopause. That would make sense to me, as I wasn’t a lifelong migraineur at the start.
Do you think the changes are due to menopause
Menopause and worsening symptoms?
Chicken and Egg maybe. A hormonal driver. Powerful things hormones I was reading only yesterday hormones released during sexual intercourse change bloodflow through the cerebellum and I have read before changes occur during hot flushes. Who is to say it doesn’t affect ears resulting in vertigo and ongoing imbalance.