Is a multi B vitamin ok to take?

Hi all!

i was wondering if I start to take a B complex if it could actually be a trigger. Main trigger for me is weather and altitude change. But seeing as B vitamins can act as stimulants i was wondering if any of you out there have added it to your diets without having any adverse effects. i´m not talking about adding only Riboflavin (which i know some people take since it has been documented to help in some cases), but adding the whole B complex. The reason is I noticed that my hair used to be a lot more healthy when i took a multi B years ago and would like to try it again. I have been taking magnesium for a while without noticing anything, good or bad,

any feedback is appreciated


Many of us here take a B complex as it has properties that are good for migraine. Again, a lot of us on here take a host of supplements to aid the healing of our wretched condition!!

Hi j

I took a B complex tablet for a couple of years. No negative effects at all. And for me personally not a trigger.


Perhaps you could just dissolve the B-vitamin and rub the result into your scalp??

Or wait! I read somewhere that arsenic consumption results in glossy hair! (What a handsome corpse.)

Anyway, I’ve taken a multivitamin for years, and neither neurotologist nor neurologist discourages this.

— Begin quote from “david shapiro”

Perhaps you could just dissolve the B-vitamin and rub the result into your scalp??

Or wait! I read somewhere that arsenic consumption results in glossy hair! (What a handsome corpse.)

— End quote

David, you crack me up :lol:

ok thanks…By the way, for those of you with brain fog / tiredeness / weather triggers (i´m not talking about vertigo), have any of you had any success with flunarizine or another calcium channel blocker?

best regards
