Is it possible

Do any of you think it is possible for the condition to lessen over time or have any of you ever been free from it for a period only for it to return.

Just curious as this has been a good week for me and I am wondering if there is any way for this to just diminish on its own?

And do any of you think a yeast infection within the body could in any way play a role?

Could you catch me up Timeless, what brought it on?

The reason I’m asking is because my first mini-crash came after a viral illness. It only lasted six weeks. It wasn’t until a few years later that I had a major crash that never went away. Although there were some very minor residual rocking which I only noticed when I had my eyes closed, and balance problems, which I only noticed when I was walking down stairs or off a curb, in the interim.


Well like I have said before the first time I had an episode was last November and small attacks up until July when all heck broke loose. So there was not any illness , a lot of stress at the time but no illness that I am aware of.

The rocking and motion intolerance got worse every day until July when like I said it just went haywire…that continued up until about a month ago and then I had some good days and some really bad days. Then in the last few weeks it seems to be diminishing a bit every day…so I am really confused. :roll:

Don’t be confused - be happy thats its diminishing!

The truth is nobody knows the real cause of this junk. I have heard of people that have had it dissapear.

I’m one of those people - I was symptom free for over 18 months. I was travelling in a car one day & had had head rush dizzy feeling leaving me car sick & its been back since then (May)

— Begin quote from “dizzyrascal1983”

Don’t be confused - be happy thats its diminishing!

The truth is nobody knows the real cause of this junk. I have heard of people that have had it dissapear.

I’m one of those people - I was symptom free for over 18 months. I was travelling in a car one day & had had head rush dizzy feeling leaving me car sick & its been back since then (May)

— End quote

Prior to you becoming symptom free were you on medication, were you on a strict diet, or did it just disappear and then reappear without warning. What were your symptoms before it diminished.

I am happy but my thought process if you will should I still try preventatives or should I wait it out and see if it is going to be manageable at this level.


I hate to say this, I wish I could say to you - be happy that it’s receding, “don’t fix something that’s not broke”

But the very worst mistake I ever made in my life was not pursuing it while it was low level. I don’t think I would have become intractable if I had caught it early. I have no way of knowing, it’s just my guessing, but I wonder if it would have taken just one preventative at the early stages and I would have gone on with my life. In any event, I wish i had sought treatment early, instead of waiting until the crash which left me bedridden for over a year. And if I hadn’t happened upon PXP, i would have lived the rest of my life housebound.

Sorry for the downer. It’s just my personal story, it may not be yours.
