Jordan Peterson has an anxiety problem, or a vestibular problem?

Mazzy, I did indeed get to the opera. It was Tosca - set in the Nazi era - blood-soaked and lustful! I got prickles down my legs at E lucevan le stelle and nearly sobbed aloud in the Te Deum scene. Everything about opera is so BIG! The voices, the themes, the venue, the sets. In that heaving ocean of music the troubles of one Dizzy Dame were as nothing.


I hadn’t heard of him either @Onandon03 but had a good look at this clip. It’s the classic fall from grace we’ve all experienced. I do hope he recovers

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Very true. Amazing he still appears publicly.

Great that you enjoyed it! I am not a fan of opera personally, but great that you got to enjoy doing something for yourself!!

Thanks Mazzy! I wish the same for you and every person on this site.


12 posts were split to a new topic: Jordan Peterson is a …

A post was merged into an existing topic: Jordan Peterson is …

My reference to Jordan Peterson here was merely to illustrate an issue related to the subject of the site. I have no particular interest in debating his ideas here and he’s entitled to them. Everyone is free to disagree with him. This site is not a political debating society.

If you are interested about all the drama and controversy take a look at these two interviews and make your own mind up. In each video opposing views are fairly represented so I trust you will find them ‘safe’ to watch.

And a pretty infamous interview on C4: