Knock wood

I thought about posting a note in “Success stories,” but as soon as the thought crossed my mind, I heard my grandmother’s voice in the back of my mind saying, “Don’t brag.” The surest way to ensure disaster, according to her, was to say that something was going well. The gods don’t like displays of hubris.

The Kid’s MAV started the last week of September last year. It’s now the last week of March. Six months, almost exactly.

And things are going extremely well. The chronic dizziness is gone. The headaches (which were only ever mild anyway) are gone. He doesn’t wake up during the night because the room is spinning. He can walk through the crowded hallways at school without using a cane for balance. He can walk around the house without keeping a hand on the wall or a piece of furniture.

He’s taking 60mg slow-release propranolol daily at bedtime. He saw his neurologist on Wednesday. She said the right-sided weakness that came in with his migraine is gone. Since he’s not dizzy, she said if he wanted to do a trial without meds, she’d recommend trying it during the summer. He asked if he had to. He does NOT want to give up the meds. She said they’re quite safe, and if he wants to stay on them for years, he can. She wants him to continue managing his sleep schedule (no staying up late on the weekends), eat a healthy diet, avoid aspartame or anything else that he identifies as a trigger, keep stress at a reasonable level, and do fun things with his friends as often as possible. He rather likes the idea of having a medical prescription for socializing. His neurologist is quite certain that being happy and sociable is good medicine for MAV.

He had his last appointment with the physical therapist he was doing VRT with on Thursday. She said he’s still got an odd gait, but he’s always had an odd gait – that’s part of the neurological glitches he had before he developed MAV. She wants him to continue doing exercises to strengthen his ankles and his hip stabilizers. And she’d like him to do casual, recreational sports on a regular basis – preferably baseball or frisbee, where he’d be tracking small moving objects while he’s moving. But he doesn’t need to see her any more.

So the medical advice right now is, get out there and be a kid. Some lifestyle management – but pretty minimal. Once you have migraine, you always have migraine. But right now, things are good.


That is so awesome! and great advice from your doctor!

great news - a relief for him and you!

Makes me so happy to read this and gives me hope.

Is The Kid only on Propanol as his only medication? And when did he start taking it?

Lots of love and continue on!!!

Propranolol is the only migraine med he’s taking. Unless you count magnesium – his neurologist puts all her migraine patients on magnesium supplements.

Besides migraine, he also has a severe anxiety disorder. He was already taking buspirone and Lamictal for that. I know Lamictal is also used as a migraine med, so I guess he’s taking two migraine meds (even though only one of them was prescribed for the migraine).

He started taking migraine meds … I’m trying to remember when. Some time in early November, I think.

It was hard to decide at first whether they were working or not. Since the intensity of the migraine varied anyway, it was hard to tell. Keeping a symptom diary was helpful. And just looking back – not from day to day, but comparing one week to a few weeks ago. It was easier then to see how things were changing.

So MamaBear,
Can you just confirm with me…Your son is taking Propranolol, Lamictal and Buspar? Can you tell me what doses please?
Did the doctor rx the Lamictal for anxiety?
Thank you…

— Begin quote from “rockyksmom”

Can you just confirm with me…Your son is taking Propranolol, Lamictal and Buspar?

— End quote

That’s right.

The doses are propranolol, 60 mg slow release at bedtime; buspar 10 mg 2x/day; Lamictal 200 mg.

He’s also taking 250 mg magnesium 2x/day; 2500 mg Nordic Naturals ultimate omega fish oil (concentrated, so more Omega 3s from fewer pills) ; 1000 IU vitamin D.

The lamictal and buspar were prescribed by his psychiatrist for anxiety. The propranolol was prescribed by the neurologist for migraine, as was the magnesium. Although the psychiatrist prefers to avoid prescribing lots of different meds, she said that propranolol “plays well with” the lamictal and buspirone. She thinks it’s a good combination.

Because we’ve got two different doctors prescribing fairly potent drugs, we’ve signed the papers allowing them to talk to each other about the meds.