I’ve been taking LDN since early December for Fibro, although its also used off label for a host of conditions from MS, Chronic Fatigue, autoimmune diseases like Lupus. I’ve also seen it suggested for migraines. Just wondered if anyone had tried it and how they got on.
I’ve seen a big improvement in my MAV symptoms as well as Fibro, not sure how much is due to LDN or the Venlafaxine. Could be both I guess.
Hi I also take both LDN and Venlafaxine. I take LDN for immune system problems associated with chronic fatigue and Venlafaxine for vestibular migraine. I would say it’s definitely the Venlafaxine that has helped with the vestibular symptoms because when I started it I had been taking an extended break from LDN and the Venlafaxine worked well by itself. When I went back on the LDN about 6 months later, my dizziness didn’t particularly improve any further. The only thing I notice is that if I forget to take LDN one evening, I will be dizzier the next day, it’s like my brain doesn’t like the unexpected change, but it settles quite quickly back to ‘normal’ once I resume taking it.
I tried LDN for about a month and for me it ramped up my dizzy symptoms so I quit taking it. I was hoping it would help and maybe I should have stuck with it longer. I was not taking any other medication at the time either.
Just wanted to bump this topic once, I ended up trying LDN this last year (3mg) and had great reductions in migraines. I had no side effects, although I did feel a little off for the first couple weeks. I also tapered slowly during the first month by pulling apart the pill and taking 1/3 dose, 2/3 dose, then full dose. Always recommend starting at a ridiculous small dose first day so you give your body time to feel and adjust to any effects. This thing was amazing for me though, can’t remember the last time I used a triptan.
Thanks! I’m normally sensitive to meds but started at 1.5mg for past 3 days and have tolerated it. My sleep dr prescribed it for my sleepiness during the day (which I think is due or not helped by mav) but I’m mainly interested to see if it helps with mav! Going to ask him when I should increase to 3mg and he said I can go up to 4.5 mg if need be
I did LDN 1.5mg for 5 days then 3mg for 5 days then 4.5mg (I’m told that’s the highest dose where I’d notice benefits) and my sleep doctor said if I didn’t notice any substantial positive changes after 30 days to stop it (he prescribed it for excessive daytime sleepiness) but if I recall from general neurology recommendations for migraine preventatives, if I hope for it to potentially help with my chronic dizziness migraines, then I’d have to try it for 3 months total at that dose so I plan to do that to play it safe unless I hear anything different from my neurologist (it’ll be $95/month for 2 more months but worth it to not be dizzy 24/7 which has gone on since 2011 and the pharmacist agrees). everything I’ve tried/am trying is here: 8/7/24 Diagnostic/Trial History.docx - Google Docs