MAV flare because of decreased propranolol?

hey guys, wanted to see if anyone else experienced wat I’m having right now

I was on propranolol 150-160mg for about 3 months, and on propranolol in general for 6 months. (took it 3 times per day) .lately I added amitryptyline 10mg on 16th November n started decreasing propranolol to 100mg per day (I take it twice daily) n I’ve noticed an increase in fast HR, vertigo while laying down and just generally off. could it be that I’ve decreased propranolol too fast?

Increase in HR is well known side effect of reducing too quickly. Other symptoms probably because you are now taking too little for it to be able to control your underlying symptoms.

so is it better to stay on the older dose until ami starts to give an effect?

I’ve also heard of people on here getting racing HR from starting amitryptyline. Any particular reason why you started to decrease propanalol? I would just stay at the old dose for awhile.

I would have stayed with the propranolol until I knew the Ami was working and I could tolerate it. At least a couple of months I’d say. If the propranolol side effects are dangerous or too unsettling you obviously wouldn’t be able to do that. Propranolol and Ami work well together. I was told to take them together so it must be safe to do so. The Propranolol will stop working to keep you functional as you say once you drop or stop taking it. Might be best to speak with your doctor.

not sure of the mechanism but increased HR is a common side effect of amitryptyline. I was trying to decrease my dose because I found that propranolol latee has increased my vertigo while I was laying down n also gave me insomnia. but it seems I have to stay on both for now

problem is over here they dnt know much about vestibular migraines. they basically depend on wat we say to them. so as long as the 2 medications don’t interact they’re ok. but they font have much information about MAV. thts y I’m doing most of the trials myself sadly

Where’s ‘over here’? I assumed somehow you are in UK somewhere. Just like me. I can empathise with your situation. I was pretty much the same myself hence all the hours I’ve spent studying it myself. As there’s no specific tests to pin point these conditions exactly one of the most tried and tested methods for establishing what might be wrong with you is to take a detailed medical history, ie depending on what we say. Don’t worry. It worked for me. Then there’s no scientific way of ensuring you recover on the first medication you take so it’s just a case of trial and error. I don’t imagine any one drug is going to get rid of every symptom for ever anyway. If you find a drug that getting you functional, I’d say stick with it unless side effects are dangerous or intolerable. All drugs have side effects, very similar side effects in fact alot of them. What we have to remember is the drugs aren’t curing the underlying condition. They are just keeping the symptoms away so we can function. Stop the drugs and the symptoms will return. MAV symptoms vary day to day. How can you be sure your increase in vertigo is because of the propranolol. Maybe it would have happened anyway. Only you can be sure. You live with it. Any drug changeover can cause disruption too but sometimes it’s essential and long-term beneficial so we have to just grit our teeth and bear it. Helen

wel I’m actually in Asia lol
yes I understand symotoms vary and everyday is different. but I’ve been on it last year but I notice that I couldn’t really handle the side effects of insomnia and irregular heart beat (beat blockers cause something heart block in some pl which basically means it alters the electrical conduction in the heart) although I was on 60mg at the time. I guess the best thing for now is to stay in both n shes i feel more stable I’ll taper it down

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