MAV Treatment Modalities Outside the US

I’m a hybrid case. MAV, Meniere’s, and a few other things.

Meniere’s is often treated differently outside the U.S. Serc is commonly prescribed outside the U.S., whereas in the U.S, due to a long and strange history with the FDA, Serc is not prescribed, unless you get it via the generic form at a compounding pharmacy. Very few U.S. doctors do that.

Does anyone know if MAV is treated differently outside the U.S., or is it the same combination of diet and drug therapy?

In Australia Dr Halmagyi is, I’m told, the Top Banana in this area. From my own experience with him Prothiaden (tri-cyclic) is his first choice of drug (although from my consults with him he is clearly open to others). As for diet he only says to avoid red wine and MSG. He encourages exercise (not flat out, triathalon type stuff, reasonably gentle).

Does anyone know if MAV is treated differently outside the U.S., or is it the same combination of diet and drug therapy?

It’s the same worldwide: lifestyle intervention first followed by a migraine med second if necessary. Most with MAV seem to need a med.

Best … Scott