Hi all,
I moved up to 150mg effexor xr on the 12th June, this coincided with my time of the month so I was expecting the usual migraines at this time. About 4 days into this I experienced the best days in terms of my wobbly walking, in fact I could walk a couple of laps of my football pitch with no aid which is huge progress. During this time I treated myself to an americano daily, was bliss… 3 years of no caffeine.
About a week on the 150mg after period, I got a run of 5 bad headaches all starting at 5.30am or 6ish…lasting till lunchtime, threw my acute meds at it some days it helped some days it didn’t… One day I took a coffee and within 30 mins the headache disappeared… Strange…
Then I got an amazing run of 6 clear days, all normal… Thought this is super… The last headaches were perhaps a side effect of new dose.
Heading on my holidays to Spain and in the run up to it, I had a run of daily headaches for 11 days, my absolute worse yet… I came off all coffee and stayed away from alcohol after trying some on first few nights of hols.
I’ve just had a run now of 7 clear days but this morning on my first morning home, a headache has woken me at 7am and hasn’t lifted, I’m at ovulation stage of cycle so often get headaches. My worry is that these headaches are all the same, dull and heavy sensation and just hang on forever. I’ve used up my monthly amount of acute meds so holding out to see if it’ll pass soon.
So… Your thoughts please on the following…
Is it possible that the 150mg is altering my headaches and increasing them. At 150mg effexor works on other transmitters not just serotonin?? Question… Should I go back to 137mg and see does it all settle??
It’s been a busy month, kids off school, been to Spain and back… In terms of vestibular isdies the 150mg has been great, feel really steady and normal most days but since the 150mg definitely an increase in headaches…
So tempted to try a coffee to see will it stop headache but after going off it again, don’t want to go back…
And I was doing so well headache wise…
Back at neuro in late Sept, he wants me moving up to 225mg perhaps…
Any thoughts welcome, feel like I can’t make a decision on meds… And thanks so much for reading xxx