Need some advice

I have been on the diet for a long time now and the problem I am now having is I am losing too much weight.

What can I do to put some weight back on? Every time I eat a lot this seems to trigger my symptoms.

Even if I eat many times a day i do not seem to get enough calories to get my weight back up.

My husband is so upset and conerned … this whole ordeal has been very hard on him also. In the midst of all this illness I lost my job so that is something else for him to be upset about.

I am not only dealing with my issues but his being upset all the time also.

I just so much want to be back to normal in all ways. I do not feel as bad as I did but now the weight issue is really causing me concern.


Have you tried adding foods back in yet to identify your triggers. Rarely if ever are all the foods on the migraine diet triggers for one person. I can eat nuts and cheese without a problem. Unless you know these are triggers for you, maybe you should try adding them back one at a time. Those are both fairly calorie dense. Another suggestion is to drown your veggies in olive oil or even butter. That will add both flavor and calories. Unless you are avoiding sugar, you could try drinking Boost or Ensure to boost your calories. You’ll want to check the ingredients though, because I have no idea if there are migraine triggers in them. Drink whole milk unless you are lactose intolerant. These are all suggestions my younger daughter’s pediatrician recommended for her because she struggles with keeping her weight up. (She certainly doesn’t get that from me :stuck_out_tongue: ; she is adopted.)

I am following the Atkins plan because that works best for improving my migraine symptoms. But that tends to be used more for weight loss, so someone in your situation wouldn’t want to follow the stricter phases of that plan. I could stand to lose 20-30 lbs, so I’m hoping for some weight loss as a bonus. :slight_smile:

That’s all I can think of for now. I hope you get this figured out. I am worried about you too.

Take care of yourself!


— Begin quote from “MarciM”


Have you tried adding foods back in yet to identify your triggers. Rarely if ever are all the foods on the migraine diet triggers for one person. I can eat nuts and cheese without a problem. Unless you know these are triggers for you, maybe you should try adding them back one at a time. Those are both fairly calorie dense. Another suggestion is to drown your veggies in olive oil or even butter. That will add both flavor and calories. Unless you are avoiding sugar, you could try drinking Boost or Ensure to boost your calories. You’ll want to check the ingredients though, because I have no idea if there are migraine triggers in them. Drink whole milk unless you are lactose intolerant. These are all suggestions my younger daughter’s pediatrician recommended for her because she struggles with keeping her weight up. (She certainly doesn’t get that from me :stuck_out_tongue: ; she is adopted.)

I am following the Atkins plan because that works best for improving my migraine symptoms. But that tends to be used more for weight loss, so someone in your situation wouldn’t want to follow the stricter phases of that plan. I could stand to lose 20-30 lbs, so I’m hoping for some weight loss as a bonus. :slight_smile:

That’s all I can think of for now. I hope you get this figured out. I am worried about you too.

Take care of yourself!


— End quote

Thank you Marci.

Husband got up this morning and made me toast with lots of butter and I had a bowl of ceral with a whole glass of milk.

I can not do the nuts I know but I can do sunflower seeds which are high in calories. My brother who has been a personal trainer and knows a lot about nutrition also told me to add the oils to everything to get the calories up. So I will try that and se how that goes.

The initial weight loose was fine because I was overweight when all this started 5 2 154 pounds , now I weigh 111 pounds and it seems like I said I have lost muscle in addition to fat.

I have to be very careful with the sugar so I need to find other ways to add the calories …

Husband will push me I know and I have to accept the fact that I will have to do something to make this work. Just when you think you have all the other stuff figured out then something else becomes a concern.

Thank you for the kind comments, advice and the concern. (Hugs)


is whey protein powder of limits? msg? Im thinking of buying some o that for meh muscles :stuck_out_tongue:


The only thing I could think of to add weight back on is to reintroduce foods that are not triggers, just as Marci suggested. Marci had good ideas on how to add weight on. I’ve lost 25 pounds through all of this. Over the summer/fall I just didn’t each much. Also, I cut out soda. That was huge for me. I could still stand to lose some more. Maybe you could add a few smaller meals into your day also, in addition to your main ones. I am so happy that you are feeling better though. I know what you mean though, we just want everything to be normal again. It sounds like you are on the right track. What about milkshakes? I just thought of that. I know those can make someone gain weight. Are there any triggers for you in milkshakes? Maybe vanilla would be okay?

Good luck/Sincerely -


— Begin quote from “MikaelHS”

is whey protein powder of limits? msg? Im thinking of buying some o that for meh muscles :stuck_out_tongue:

— End quote

Whey protein seems to be one HUGE source of MSG. I’ve tried two different nutritional drinks, and both gave me a really bad migraine. I blame the milk protein in them - milk itself might not be a problem, but when they extract it, glutamate is freed. Glutamate + Sodium, which is everywhere, = MSG.

Hi everyone. Quick question. Many of you are noting “triggers” and this has me confused. Do you not suffer from MAV symptoms all the time? If you DO, then are there certain foods that make your symptoms worse or give you more? I know that regular migraines can have food triggers (such as chocolate), but what do you mean regarding triggers and MAV? I have not experienced triggers with MAV as I did with regular migraines; my MAV symptoms have not gotten worse due to any foods. Thanks.

— Begin quote from “bcrelief”

Hi everyone. Quick question. Many of you are noting “triggers” and this has me confused. Do you not suffer from MAV symptoms all the time? If you DO, then are there certain foods that make your symptoms worse or give you more? I know that regular migraines can have food triggers (such as chocolate), but what do you mean regarding triggers and MAV? I have not experienced triggers with MAV as I did with regular migraines; my MAV symptoms have not gotten worse due to any foods. Thanks.

— End quote

Can’t speak for others, but personally I have headaches AND constant 24/7 dizziness/motion sickness. Triggers make them both worse.

Since I have changed my diet my headaches are almost not there anymore but the wavs/motion intolerance /vertigo is still there, however if I stray from the diet and triggers these symptoms increase and become unmanageable.


Not enough sleep
Not eating small meals 6 to 7 a day
Perfumes, fragrances, chemicals
Staying on a schedule
Bright lights

I know the main foods are caffeine, chocolate, MSG, nuts, some fruits, too much sugar, so that is what I mean when I say triggers.

— Begin quote from “bcrelief”

Hi everyone. Quick question. Many of you are noting “triggers” and this has me confused. Do you not suffer from MAV symptoms all the time? If you DO, then are there certain foods that make your symptoms worse or give you more? I know that regular migraines can have food triggers (such as chocolate), but what do you mean regarding triggers and MAV? I have not experienced triggers with MAV as I did with regular migraines; my MAV symptoms have not gotten worse due to any foods. Thanks.

— End quote

For me, before I got a proper diagnoses, I was experiencing 24/7 dizziness, and food triggers just made things worse, a lot worse. Now that I have a proper diagnoses and treatment plan, food triggers will trigger a dizzyspell, just setting me off for a few hours.

Brian B

Well today has been better and I did not eat as much but added things that were higher in calories.

Toast with butter, milk, Special k cereal, Keifer with flax seed oil, chicken , vegetable juice, oatmeal and milk some green vegetables, so maybe I can make this work. and some sunflower seeds.

I am going to start eating a brown rice protein drink that has about 150 calories each so hopefully I can tolerate that.