Nervous about ENG

Hi, I’m having an eng done in a couple of weeks. I had one done a little over a year ago and I got very dizzy during the test but did Ok. However, it the middle of the night I got horribly sick and vommited all night long. Did anyone else get sick like that with such a delayed reaction? I’m going to a different doctor now so he wants to recheck it but I’m nervous about getting sick again.



i agree, this is the worst test ever.i barely made it through mine. is there a reason why you have to do it again if you just had it done only a year ago? maybe try a meclizine after the test to try and prevent motion sickness?

The otologist and the neurologist have basically diagnosed me with MAV but want to rule out other vestibular disorders. They are also doing a computerized Dynamic posturography (cdp) and the Rotary Chair Testing (Rct). They do not have those particular test in the area I live in so they are new to me. Think they are throwing the eng/vng in for extra fun. I imagine I’m going to be pretty sick that day. My doctor is 275 miles away so kind doing all in one shot. I’m just so glad to have a doctor who finally seems interested in helping me or at least has a clue as to what is wrong with me.

I’m having one done in a few weeks also and have never had one done yet. I guess I am a little nervous also. I will be seeing Dr. Baloh at UCLA that same afternoon for a consult after the ENG. It’s going to be a fun day for sure.


I really hope you ENG goes well. When I had my last one done my doctor thought I had some sort of virus because I had a small fever the next day as well. I hope that was the case. I really don’t want to be sick again but mostly I just want a correct diagnosis. It would be worth it to be sick again and I could find out one way or another what is wrong with me.

I bet it was a coincidence that you were so sick-with the fever and delayed vomiting it doesn’t sound like something the ENG would have stirred up, although I could be wrong. My discomfort wore off within an hour of completing that test, but I know people react differently.

I agree, take 25 mg meclizine after your testing or a benzo to help calm your system just in case.

Good luck this go around!


So I went in for my vng. Good new was I didn’t get sick. My otologist just called me with the results to say that my right ear showed ear imbalance or vestibular dysfunction and is aftecting my visual system. I need to do vrt and vision therapy. I have already done both of those in the past. He said also continue to search for mav triggers and take topamax.

The call I had next was to my neurologist who said based on the balance testing she is questioning whether I have mav at all.

When I was having the balance testing done, the PHD told me that migraines can cause add’l vestibular problems. If I am senstive to light, have brain fog ,problems with patterns, stores, and such doesn’t that suggest mav.

Now I am confused,feel back at sqaure one and just want to give up on this quest as it has been two years and I never seem to get anywhere except broker. (sorry for my rant I’m just frustrated).


Hi Teri

Yes, light sensitivity, brain fog and problems with patterns is absolutely associated with MAV (migraine variant) and would be a seriously ill-informed health professional who did not recognise this.

Can you tell us what the actual findings were from the caloric test? Remember that 1) the caloric test is virtually useless with deficits showing in the 30% or less range and 2) migraine does produce caloric weakness.

Hang in there. S 8)

Have you taken topamax before? Your symptoms sound very similar to mine (light sensitivity, brain fog, problems with stores) though I never had any trouble with patterns that I noticed.

If you have a doc willing to work with you on topamax and other migraine meds, I’d at least give it a go, unless another doc can give you a definitive cause for your issues that isn’t migraine related. Light sensitivity is such a classic migraine issue that every time I’d try to find another reason for my dizziness, the fact that it always accompanied by light sensitivity would always point me back to migraine.

Scott or anyone else who knows,

I didn’t know the caloric results and it took me until just now to get a call back from my Dr. office to find out but they told me it was 26% in my right ear. Can someone Explain to me?
