Hi all
Just thought I’d pop in to pass on what’s been happening with my VM journey!
My first appointment with Neurology was a few weeks ago - he spent a good 45 minutes listening to my incredibly long list of symptoms (I’ll post them separately, it might help anyone who is similar to me - I know I’ve gained a lot of help from just reading other people’s journeys, regardless of whether our outcomes were the same or not), and testing my reflexes etc., then he said… “I don’t think it’s migraines. I think it’s sensory overload.”
Once this sank in, and I got over the change in diagnosis again, it made total sense to me. And I totally believe him.
I know I’m a HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) so I don’t know why it never occurred to me that the last 2 years of symptoms have been purely because my brain is sensitive and isn’t filtering out the stimuli like it should. I responded to Citalopram and Venlafaxine because they dulled my nervous system, enabling me to function in the big wide world. However, I had awful side effects, because of my sensitive nervous system. Coming off Venlafaxine is one of the hardest things I’ve ever gone through. I didn’t respond as I’d hoped to the migraine diet, and it makes sense now that that’s because it wasn’t right for my body.
He recommended the keto diet, which I would recommend anyone with migraines also looks into, as it’s therapeutic for migraines and epilepsy, along with other conditions and diseases (diabetes, for example). Running your body on fat instead of glucose apparently calms your nervous system. It’s basically living gluten-, processed food-, and sugar-free, and you get your energy from mostly fat. I’ve been eating keto for 2 weeks now, and I can actually feel my body starting to let me spend more time in the outside world, with all of its noise and busyness and triggers. I need less down time. I have more energy, and more willingness to engage with things. I want to spend time cooking when I get in from work, instead of hiding in my armchair, recuperating.
If you don’t know, keto is low carb, high fat, medium protein (it’s not Atkins - on Atkins, you can eat lots of protein, but on keto you have to watch you don’t eat too much, as your liver can turn excess protein into glucose, which knocks you out of ketosis). Research it, see what you think! My Neurologist said that he’s certain I don’t have migraines, but if I did then the keto diet would be beneficial anyway. I go back in 6 months to update him.
So, no more drugs for me (which I’m OVER THE MOON with as I couldn’t face the thought of trying another drug and putting up with its side effects), I’m going to live keto-adapted and see what happens.
Tracey x