Just want to say that I really appreciate the fact that this website even exists and all the supportive posts I’ve read from others experiencing VM. I am hoping maybe some of you can provide some guidance on my next steps.
- hx: menstrual migraines (horrible right-sided pain, light-sensitivity, loss of appetite) have tried different abortive meds in the past and was able to get approval for Nurtec this year which has worked quite well.
-Never has dizziness/ vertigo with migraines before.
-1st symptoms occurred Nov 2020, floor and wall spinning at work while trying to chart. Lasted about 1 min and subsided.
-Since Nov 2020, have had the following: head CT, Brain and cervical spine MRI, Audiogram and tympanogram. All pretty much normal/ unremarkable. Brain MRI showed some patterns consistent with migraines.
My daily symptoms since Nov 2020:
-feel fine when lying down or sitting up. Once I start walking around for a while I have varying degrees of dizziness, forehead pain (almost like a sinus headache), and brain fog (I think vestibular system in overdrive and hard to multitask).
-I have never had any of these issues in the past, just really shocking and debilitating right now. I used to be very active and exercise 5-6 times a week, now I am lucky to make it outside.
-driving short distances ok, highways (straight lines, fast trucks flying by) have turned into a nightmare.
Current treatment plan:
-Neurologist wanted me to start on 10 mg nortryptyline but I declined since I have a history of supraventricular tachycardia (rapid heart beats) and looks like side effect of that med can be increased heart rate.
-Neuro changed course and wants me to do a 10 day “burst” of 500 mg of depakote. I take one pill every night for 5 nights me then one every other night for 5 nights. His thought process is that since I haven’t ever had VM before, maybe this can break me out of this dizziness cycle right now.
-If this doesn’t work, he said we will move to verapamil, which I’m not very excited about.
-My anxiety is very bad right now. I have started taking clonazepam 0.25 mg as needed (up to
Twice a day) and it significantly reduces dizziness, sinus headache, and brain fog.
-I started vestibular therapy but don’t feel like it’s making much of a difference.
Anyone ever hear of doing a short course of depakote like this?
Does vestibular therapy make sense if I’m in more of an acute phase of illness?
Anyone work in healthcare and have VM/ able to return to work? I am a nurse on a very busy unit and I’ve had to go out on leave. This has been absolutely devastating and I’m afraid of losing my benefits. I’m in school to become a family nurse practitioner (was supposed to start clinicals this summer) and I’m worried I may have to push everything off a year because I am so unwell right now.
Any VM docs in the Philadelphia area that anyone can recommend? I read reviews on Dr. Michael Teixido (a neuro-ENT) who practices out of Delaware. Anyone have any thoughts/ experiences with him?
I am just hoping for any type of support or ideas from all of you dear people that have had to deal with this debilitating illness. Thank you.