oh my ears! What's MAV and what's not?

Hey Naya, welcome to the site and sorry you are suffering annoying symptoms!

This is a really contentious subject.

The aetiology of MAV has not been nailed down. I got my MAV from a physical trauma to my left ear and ended up having identical symptoms to sufferers who have not experienced any injury. That got me thinking, deeply! I suspect there is a lot more for medicine to learn and hopefully that will result in ever improving treatment.

There is a lot of debate around this in #research-theories-controversies but that’s not open to new users (requires Trust Level 2*) because discussion around this topic can lead to high levels of anxiety. Dwelling on this subject as a new sufferer can really harm your sense of wellbeing, so its advisable that early on you take the advice that it will improve and to put this aside for a bit.

I’m not sure how far you are through MAV, but in any case, can I urge you to stick around and as you contribute more to the site, you will automatically gain in Trust Level and the privilege to see that Category? If you are a new sufferer, that will give you time to conquer the mental side of this condition which is a significant mountain to climb in itself.

For now, follow the treatment protocols and see what works fo you. See if you can reduce those symptoms. It may take a while so be patient.

*You are already TL1 so you won’t have to wait long.