Otolith tinnitus study

I got an email today from Otolith Labs, a company in the States who are researching devices for use with vestibular migraine. Apparently they are now starting a new clinical study looking at two devices for the treatment of people with tinnitus. There is a link to click in the email but it doesn’t work for me and I think it must be because I’m not in the States, as they told me before that they only involved participants who lived there. I only have dizziness not tinnitus so this study wouldn’t be something I could participate in anyway. But if anyone is keen to participate you might want to email them at tinnitusstudy@otolithlabs.com to enquire about being involved…

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OK, so I just got a follow up email saying the first email was sent in error and they are not enrolling yet but will be within a month or so. I guess anyone who’s interested could still ask to be put on their email list for when enrollment opens.

Thanks Katharine @dizzy!