Overcoming drowsiness (Sibelium)

Hi all

I’ve had MAV around 3 years now, and have found the best combination of drugs (for me) to be Effexor and Sibelium. They control the symptoms pretty well. However, there’s a nasty side effect: drowsiness, especially around early to mid morning. Does anyone else experience have the same meds combination and experience this? How do other folk combat the drowsiness? I find myself napping a lot, but that’s not very productive (I work for myself; double-edged sword for a MAV sufferer). Would love to hear some effective strategies at overcoming the at times overwhelming drowsiness

Im’ not on that combo, but do get the odd day when I’m just overwhelmingly tired. Afraid the only thing that works for me is a nap - not a long one, just 45 min to an hour. Lets me get back on with things (I’m self employed as well). Although I must say that regular exercise (daily) has meant this a rarer occurrence that it used to be.