

Has anyone suffered with this alongside their migraines. It seems to be a new symptom but I’ve started smelling petrol fumes randomly. Often at home far away from my car or a petrol station. I’ve been suffering with VM for three years so it seems odd to have developed a new symptom.
Also if anyone has is there anything you can do about it?
Every time I think I’m starting to get my head round it it throws another curveball.
Thanks in advance

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Yes, it’s happened to me. When I had a major flare-up in 2023 my vision and hearing went haywire, which has happened before, but my sense of smell also went sideways for the first time. I had phantom smells, generally unpleasant, that lasted for hours at a time. I consulted my neurologist who thought it was weird, and my ENT, who thought it was likely VM-related. On his advice I tried smell therapy (inhaling different essential oils twice a day) but it didn’t help – he said it was a long shot. My symptoms faded over time as my VM symptoms improved. I still smell odd odors, usually in the evening, but they are much milder and less offensive. My neurologist thinks I’m highly sensitive to smells and sense odors most people don’t but I’m not so sure about that. My brain is a piece of work.

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