
Hi folks,

Wondering if anyone takes or has taken probiotics? Any reactions positive or negative?

As fermented foods are a trigger, but so so good for us, I am thinking supplements would be an alternative & I can dump yogurt which may or may not be giving me problems.

Hope you all are doing well!


I can’t touch yoghurt due to it being a trigger, but I swear by capsules of probiotics, I get other illness’s less or they don’t hang around aslong which helps because common colds and clue make my Mav worse.
Also after a month of taking them I had more energy and they help my digestion. For me it’s one of those things I notice a little improvement on them but I notice more how much they help me if I ever run out and stop taking for a few weeks. :).

I should start taking them again. I used to take them every day for years - huge help with the lower GI tract and not a trigger for me.

I take Probiotics too. one of Norts side effect is constipation. I find if I take Probiotics it helps me.

kathy g how are things going? havent seen you on here in awhile!

Hi Sarah…things are the same… 95% give or take a little. I still have my off days… today being one of them… Just a little light headed. I’ll take this any day over the first few months that I was sick. I feel so fortunate to have found the meds that work for me. Still on 60mg Nort and 50mg of Sertraline. Gaining weight… but still happy to be where I am at now.
How are you doing? Hope all is better with you…

I take GoodBelly almost every day, and also some greek yogurt, and it keeps me regular. No positive effect on vertigo, however.

I’ve had 2 courses of probiotics (inner health plus) since the beginning of my dizziness. The second was lactose free probiotics. I took them in efforts to overcome belly cramps. I think they were beneficial for my belly but not my dizzies. I took them without any adverse effects.

Thanks everyone for the replies! I have started taking them, skipping the yogurt with no ill effects on the belly or bowels. Next project: Get back to where my ears don’t ring so loudly!