
Hi all, I know I read some on here have taken prozac but those posts are pretty old. Is anyone on Prozac right now? I just started taking it today 5mg. I’m scared to say the least. I have taken nortriptyline for 2 months and it made me sooo much worse not to mention I am left with eye floaters from taking it :frowning:

No need to be scared! First of all…5mg is a very low dose. Prozac is taken by thousands of people…maybe even millions…every day. It has a super long half life (7 days) so it naturally weans itself out of your system if you find you don’t likei it. It is one of the least sedating of the SSRI’s. If you were getting jacked up feelings from Nori, it could be because Nori hits norepinephrine harder than serotonin. Prozac only hits serotonin receptors.
IF sero is your issue, this could be your med.
FYI…Celexa was the new and improved version of Prozac (supposedly less side effects, but many would argue that point) and Lexapro the “cleaner” version of Celexa (as they removed part of the molecule that supposedly wasn’t doing anything positive)…making Lexapro a more potent version.
Hang in there…any of these meds can cause nausea (all sero meds can) so take it with food.

Hi Sharon,
I took Prozac (generic) at 20 mg and it did help my dizziness. I found it to be very easy to tolerate as I ramped up. It turned out not to be the drug for me because it was too stimulating and made me feel jittery, and it also caused increased headaches for me so I switched to Lexapro after about six months. However, please don’t let that scare you off, because that doesn’t mean that is how you will respond to it! If you find you have trouble sleeping, definitely take it in the morning since it is known to be a stimulating med.

Good luck, let us know how it goes for you!


Thanks guys! I am on day 3 now and feel horrible. Can’t stop shaking and feel pretty weak. I think it ramped up the anxiety. I’m going to try to stick it out but its gonna be hard. I do have more energy but maybe not in a good way? I’m more dizzy too. I wish these drugs would just kick in right away to see if it would work! LOL It’s awful that you have to go through h*ll the first couple weeks! :x At least the doc gave me some xanax to help at first so I took that at night so I could get some sleep. Sooooo tired of this!

— Begin quote from “dizzysharon”

Thanks guys! I am on day 3 now and feel horrible. Can’t stop shaking and feel pretty weak. I think it ramped up the anxiety. I’m going to try to stick it out but its gonna be hard. I do have more energy but maybe not in a good way? I’m more dizzy too. I wish these drugs would just kick in right away to see if it would work! LOL It’s awful that you have to go through h*ll the first couple weeks! :x At least the doc gave me some xanax to help at first so I took that at night so I could get some sleep. Sooooo tired of this!

— End quote

When I tried Prozac I found I got side effects even at very low doses. I was getting tremor and general jitteriness on as little as 5mg prozac every second day - which is a trivial dose. I had to give it up. Other SSRIs didn’t have such bad side effects but, in the end, none of them helped me so I stopped taking any of them.

It’s good practice to acknowledge the possibility of sleep problems in the early weeks of taking an SSRI like Prozac and to manage it it with a sleeping tablet, although this is not often done. You don’t mention the dose of Xanax but it’s a good idea not to take it regularly for more than a few weeks because when you stop you may get rebound insomnia. Some (not all) people find if Xanax is taken for too long then for them it’s surprisingly hard to get off it.

- Wexan

Thanks Wexen, I only took .125 of xanax and that’s all I needed for sleep. I didn’t need it last night and slept pretty good. I have noticed I’m very achy on prozac but I think that’s because I’m more tensed from anxiety. I’m sure in a couple weeks the side effects will be gone or at least more diminished it’s just sooo hard gettting there! :cry: