Should I avoid all caffeine?

Does caffeine make MAV worse? I always have trouble with it. But I can’t help but have it sometimes. I try to slip in a glass of green tea or have a Coca Cola Icee. The thing with caffeine is it helps with that dull brain fog, opens up my mind a little bit, but then, hours or maybe a day later I end up feeling anxiety/panicky.

Sometimes I’m willing to deal with it. Do you think it’s okay to maybe have a glass of Coke every once in a while? I miss my caffeine so bad.

I grew up with a dad who made pots and pots of coffee everyday. It was just the normal to consume A LOT of caffeine. Two years later after dizziness and staying away from it, I still have my days where I can’t say no.

So just wondering, a splurge every once in a while okay?

— Begin quote from “Lucille8”

Does caffeine make MAV worse? I always have trouble with it. But I can’t help but have it sometimes. I try to slip in a glass of green tea or have a Coca Cola Icee. The thing with caffeine is it helps with that dull brain fog, opens up my mind a little bit, but then, hours or maybe a day later I end up feeling anxiety/panicky.

Sometimes I’m willing to deal with it. Do you think it’s okay to maybe have a glass of Coke every once in a while? I miss my caffeine so bad.

I grew up with a dad who made pots and pots of coffee everyday. It was just the normal to consume A LOT of caffeine. Two years later after dizziness and staying away from it, I still have my days where I can’t say no.

So just wondering, a splurge every once in a while okay?

— End quote

I can tell you I was one of the most addicted people to both caffeine and choc. But after going through the MAV hell for months before changing my eating habits no way would I try it again. Do I miss it, sometimes ,but once you have been off of it for a while you get used to not having it and if it makes you feel that bad you have to ask yourself if it is worth it.

Try to find something to replace it …like a tea that is caffeine free or there are subs for coffee. You can buy caffeine free sodas…but I would use the ones without artificial sweeteners.

Bottom line I guess if it is a trigger for you then it is going to make you feel bad…its just up to you as to whether or not to feel bad after you drink it. For me it was a no brainer cause it made me so sick when I used it once I was off of it…

Now I have not had caffeine of choc in over a year and I have survived.

Thanks for the advice! I’ve been dealing with this disorder (or at least when I started dealing with the dizziness) for…I can’t even remember now…2 years? No I think 2 years and a half. Anyways…I’ve been avoiding caffeine. It’s easy for the most part because I’m so scared of the effects I get from having it. But every once in a while I just got tempted because of the brain fog and fatigue I deal from the MAV. Caffeine helps me to think a little bit better. I always end up learning my lesson and realizing it’s just not worth it.

I always wonder if people with MAV have heart problems too. My heart starts racing every time. But caffeine causes anxiety. I always wonder if the heart racing comes first or the anxiety comes first.

Hi Lucille,

Timeless made some very good suggestions but i think it also has to do with how bad your symptoms are. Also…there are various types of coffee…ranging from Starbucks (strong) to Folgers regular caffeine but Folgers also has 1/2 the caffeine and that is what i use. I only drink less than a 1/2 cup in the morning and i’m done. Years before i was drinking 3-4 cups a day…but those days are over. So maybe experiment…try the strong, then folgers and maybe the reduced caffeine or Decaf. This condition has us experimenting. :slight_smile:
