Side effects from Qulipta?

Hi All,

I have been offered to try Qulipta however, I am totally scared of side effects. I read that nausea, weight loss and constipation are pretty common. I am emetophobic so I just cannot stand nausea. There is no evidence about its sucess for VAM. Neuro explianed to me that VAM patients are not selected for Clinical Trials so that’s why there is no data.
Do you have any experience on this?
Other option is Ajovy but I also read about lots of side effects and in this case the med lasts 5mo to leave your body.

Thanks in advance, take care

I’ve not tried Qulipta, I don’t think it’s available where I live, but I have tried Ajovy. It didn’t help my vestibular migraine but it didn’t cause any side effects at all. Constipation is the most common side effects from the anti-cgrp meds I think but it doesn’t affect everyone. With all meds there’s a chance of side effects so it’s up to you how much you want to risk in order to possibly get better. VM caused horrendous nausea for me anyway. There will always be scare stories on the internet but you’ve got to consider that it might actually turn your life around and cause huge improvements. You’ll never know until you try it. If you are scared of nausea could you speak to your doctor about some possible anti nausea meds to take just in case?

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Perhaps you can report your experience here which will be extremely useful to others.

Note there are others who have tried it:

I’m trialing Quilipta now, but it’s been less than a week, so it’s too early to say.

I’ve noticed I have another symptom that I don’t suspect belongs to the Qulipta. I vsuspect it’s my angina medication that’s causing me to fade in and out. One minute I’m here and then the next b I’m aware of my eyes closed and I’m picturing something unrelated to what I was doing. Then I’ll feel an electrical discharge as if I had come in contact with a non lethal electric current. When I’m jolted back, I look at what I was doing and realize my hands continued to move on their own. Most of the time it’s typing on my iPad that is a string of random characters. When I’m driving it’s shall I say, more exciting.

Hope you are doing well! I have been finally prescribed Pristiq ( similar to Effexor). I am totally terrified but I cannot continue like this…

Sorry that’s not helping.

@Poppy your post is a bit off Topic, please consider starting a Personal Diaries :open_book: or posting in a Topic related to Pristiq

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