"So Stoned"

No, it’s not that. :slightly_smiling_face: It’s an acronym created by an ENT in Belgium for taking a dizzy patient’s history. It’s on Pages 2-3 of this document:

Here’s an excerpt:

As an example we give the following SO STONED history of a 35 year old woman:
•S (Symptoms): vertigo spells
•O (Often): some periods daily, some times a couple of times per month
•S (Since): 1 year ago it started
•T (Triggers): moving around but the vertigo spells can come also spontaneous
•O (Otology): negative
•N (Neurology): some times head ache, migraine in the past, photophobia, motion
•E (Evolution): ups and downs
•D (Duration): Usually minutes to hours

This is suggestive for Vestibular Migraine. This scheme helps the pattern recognition of the
clinician and guides the history taking.


When i started reading i was thinking you feel “so stoned” on oxcarbazepine. BTW how’s the oxy treating you ?

Thank you for asking. So far, so good. He put me on the lowest dose for 10 days and told me if I could tolerate it, to go up to the next dose (double the first dose). Today is the last day of the lowest dose. I don’t think I’ve had any side effects yet except for occasional “hot flashes” in my face, which are annoying but tolerable. :slight_smile: