Spin at 4 am

Hi, I 've been really tackling my MAV over the past two months…going out, driving at night, even teaching for two hours a week. If I’ve felt rocky I’ve either pushed through or taken a diazapam. This after 3 years of total inactivity. I thought I was improving however on Wednesday I went to the cinema for the first time in 3 years, then taught a lesson the next day and WAM ! this morning at 4 a spin for hours and I 'm really rocky now. I 've taken stematal and diazapam to calm it down.

Do I have this thing on the run or have I over done it?

It could be just from the experience at the cinema and nothing more. I can’t go to crowded enclosed places because people’s fragrances and fabric softener scents and chemicals in their body care items hit me hard. All that motion on the big screen is enough to really mess many people up too. Don’t stop activities, just make note of what and where you have had reactions. The culprits may become clear to you.

Interesting, as many of my severe vertigo attacks used to happen at 4 am.

I keep attempting the cinema. It is so loud and the screen so close up that I dont really enjoy it. Its the new cinemas I find a problem. Luckily, we have an old tatty cinema nearby, old torn velvet seats. I tried that one, much better. Sound not so loud. Sat right at the back high up as far away from the screen as I could. It was bearable. Still cant say I want to go that often though :frowning:


It may have been the cinema or it may have been a fat kid jumping in your pool. Good idea to keep track of things like Burd said but don’t over analyse it - could be the screen, the sound, the smells… But sometimes you will feel bad for no obvious reason.

The 4am thing is intriguing though, especially as Christine also mentioned it. Around 3am-4am all sorts of things go on physiologically. Body temp goes down (or up, I can’t remember), metabolism slows down (or speeds up, I can’t remember). Anyway, I’m not making this up, it’s a Science Fact. I used to do shift work so I did actually learn about it at the time and also, if you’re doing shift work it’s 3am/4am when you ‘hit the wall’. Worth learning more about I think.


Hi Fiona,

Like Victoria said it may or may not have been the cinema. Vertigo likes to leap out when we least want it (which is any time at all). Most of my attacks have been in the early AM hours as well and I know many others who have said the same thing. Then I look over the night before and see if there is anything that may have caused this. Now I have a whole list of things I can’t do or eat anymore simply because I had a vertigo attack the morning after. And most of these things probably have nothing whatsoever to do with the vertigo happening. It’s purely coincidence. After 4 years of these severe hours long vertigo attacks I am no closer to finding what is causing them than I was when it all started.


Thank you everyone for your kind replies. I think the worst aspect of the spin is the way it jars up the brain and like ripples in a pond keeps going for week!

— Begin quote from “fiona123”

Thank you everyone for your kind replies. I think the worst aspect of the spin is the way it jars up the brain and like ripples in a pond keeps going for week!

— End quote

So true, Fiona. My doctor said it takes months to recover from a vertigo attact. I had a bad one 4 weeks ago and I’m still feeling the effects.

Hi there,

Hard to analyse because it may have been a number of things but if I had to pick the trigger I would think it was the movie itself. I used to have a bad time with cinema screens and would feel the impact the following day. I still do if very symptomatic. I cannot handle a 3D film for example … after watching Avatar I was out of it for 2-3 days. Visula stimualtion is a big problem when the vestibular system is impacted by migraine or any other disturbance.

I hope things have calmed down again. Maybe next time you see a film, you could knock back 2.5 mg valium first and sit right at the back to lower the visual impact.
