Researching MAV, it seems that vertigo related to migraine lasts under 30 minutes according to what’s been written. This is curious, because if true and accurate,If vertigo lasts between eight hours and three days, would that fact eliminate MAV as a diagnosis?
If so, then perhaps there is a sub-group of Meniere’s Disease that affects people with migraines??? :?:
Reading about Meniere’s Disease, it seems that stress can cause an attacK.
There are some people who (for whatever reason) think that MAV only happens in short episodes (like 30 minutes or less). To put it simply, they are wrong.
It is true, though, that you can have both Meniere’s and migraine (and/or MAV). It is not known for certain (from what I’ve read) that Meniere’s causes the other, in those cases.
Raven, here is a cut and paste from a great article on MAV. Like everything else with this disorder, there is not one thing that fits all.
The duration of the vertigo can also be quite variable. When vertigo is present, it may be indistinguishable from the spontaneous vertigo of Ménière disease. One clue that the vertigo is not of the Ménière type is that the vertigo of migraine-associated vertigo may last longer than 24 hours. In fact, a rocking sensation may be a continuous feeling for many weeks to months. In contrast, the vertigo of Ménière disease typically does not last longer than 24 hours. (For further information regarding migraine-associated vertigo and Ménière disease, see Differentials and Table 1). The frequencies of different durations of vertigo spells in migraine-associated vertigo are as follows:
A duration of seconds (7%)
A duration of minutes to up to 2 hours (31%)
A duration of 2-6 hours (5%)
A duration of 6-24 hours (8%)
A duration longer than 24 hours (49%)
Thanks for these replies—and any more that are forthcoming. 8)
Yes, so many searches have said that vertigo related to migraine lasts less than 30 minutes. So, information may not always be accurate.
Researching also revealed that many people with diagnosis of Meniere’s Disease may actually have MAV because the two disorders are difficult to distinguish from one another.
It has been stated that MAV is diagnosed mainly from clinical picture and described symptoms. There seems to be no definitive test that results in diagnosis of MAV.
This is something that I would have liked to discuss further with my neurologist but there was a waiting room of patients backed up to see him: when he diagnosed me with MAV he actually said I was in a cylcle of migraines. Given what I know of migraine ie, traditionally considered to have a start and end point, what I took from that is that someone with MAV is experiencing pretty much back to back migraine. Kind of makes sense to me when symptoms are going on for weeks or months. Also, I have (when in the throes of MAV) had better or worse days as well as the occasional “good” day which fits with the idea of cycle of migraine.
But I have sort of filled in the gaps there myself so could be completely wrong