Supplements , Alternate Treatments

I was wondering what you all have used of found to be useful the form of supplements and alternate treatments.

While I more than understand the value of the medication I also know that supplements , vitamins and some other alternate treatments are very valuable to so many.

My father has suffered from migraine for as long as I can remember. He does not take conventional medication and has not for as long as I can remember . He is 73 years old and very healthy with the exception he has bad teeth and a lot of old fillings that need to be replaced. He has subscribed to years to watching very closely what he eats and daily exercise for him is a must. Dad gets the more classic headache as opposed to the vertigo symptoms like I do, guess I am just lucky and get the whole barrel. :smiley:

But anyway , as far as supplements I have started taking magnesium , VIT D, fever few. I was wondering what supplements have you used or other treatments have you all found helpful.

There are a few ones that have been proven useful for migraine in studies, among them:
Magnesium (300-600mg/day, in a bioavailable form - not oxide!)
Vitamin B2/riboflavin (400mg/day - very high dose indeed, the RDA is ~1.5!)
Feverfew (no idea about dosage)
Co-Q10 (100-300mg/day I think) - very expensive!

Personally, I don’t think the ones I’ve tried have helped, but I take 300mg magnesium citrate daily since I’m likely low in that anyway.

Feverfew 100 mg

I’ve never noticed any difference with my supplements either, but i’ve heard other forum members claim they have.

And don’t forget - any supplements that come in capsules are loaded with MSG.


— Begin quote from “Julie”

Feverfew 100 mg

I’ve never noticed any difference with my supplements either, but i’ve heard other forum members claim they have.

And don’t forget - any supplements that come in capsules are loaded with MSG.


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Does it say MSG on the label or does it list it as something else? What would be the best type to use in order to make sure and avoid this problem.

— Begin quote from “Timeless”

— Begin quote from “Julie”

Feverfew 100 mg

I’ve never noticed any difference with my supplements either, but i’ve heard other forum members claim they have.

And don’t forget - any supplements that come in capsules are loaded with MSG.


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Does it say MSG on the label or does it list it as something else? What would be the best type to use in order to make sure and avoid this problem.

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Gelatin is the problem, so avoid gelatin, “gelcaps” and “softcaps” (usually).

MSG is produced in the process of making gelatin.

— Begin quote from “Julie”

MSG is produced in the process of making gelatin.

— End quote

Thanks I did not know that was the case.

I found an article on it… … amic-acid/

The main supplement that has helped me is vinpocetine, but that particular supplement is designed more for Meniere’s than MAV (I have both). Russian astronauts use vinpocetine for vertigo. It also reduces tinnitus.

Other than that, I look at vitamins as more of an insurance policy than anything else. I take high doses of Vitamin C (with lemon bioflavonoids), along with a multi-vitamin and a few other things. I take cod liver oil during the winter months as well.

Julie is dead-on accurate about gelatin and MSG. IMHO, gelatin is bad…bad…bad for this ailment.