The neurologist

So today I went to see a neurologist…it was quite a struggle to get there because I am still very sick. This doctor listened to my story and did some check ups. First he said that I probably suffer from vestibular neuritis. But I did all the balance things excellent. I told him about MAV. He didn’t think I have mav because I don’t have severe headaches. And he also thought that MAV would only last max 72 hours and not weeks like I have. Then he opened up the big book of migraine but couldn’t find anything about mav. So he tried to search for things on his ‘scientific google’. And then he listed all the symptoms and could almost ‘check’ them all. So then he figured I probably have mav. I will get a mri in 4 weeks to make sure nothing else is wrong. And we will continue the Effexor and if I do react to Effexor good, then we know for sure I have mav. He also prescribed Topiramate to try if Effexor isn’t doing it for me. But I am going to give the Effexor a change, in my second week now so keep my fingers crossed.
Where would this doctor have been without me? Hahaha. He actually never had heard of mav…so I think there will be a lot of migrainers out there with the wrong diagnosis.

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Hi Agnes. Oh ooops. This is going ok but you really ought to see an oto-neurologist if possible, they are more familiar with MAV. Well done for making it there though!

An MRI is a good idea and a general precaution. But very unlikely anything that serious is afoot - but you’d better catch it now if there is (but unlikely!). So keep calm on this one, MRI’s are funny machines, just relax and enjoy the, erm, ride!

MAV usually lasts years (some recover 1-3 years), not hours, not sure where he got that from! Although maybe he was talking about the individual vestibular attacks? That would make more sense.

You don’t get headaches any more often with MAV, but you can get ‘silent’ migraines which are extremely uncomfortable and for me are part of the vestibular attacks (although they appeared to have stopped for me now?)

Sorry that you are still feeling bad! Good that you educated your Dr…also good that he actually listened to you and has learned something himself. Here’s hoping you soon find the right treatment for you!
Just out of interest, I have tried Googling oto-neurologists in S.A. and don’t seem to be able to find any??? I’m not planning on any visits, just wondered whether there are actually in my country…which might explain the general lack of understanding here! Then again…it might just be Google-operator error on my part. :confused:

Failing one of those, a very clued up ENT would do.

Clued up being the operative!!! Wish my original ENT was still around - he had the interest and would probably have kept up to date. Sadly, very much retired now - and in another town.

These articles may be helpful to your physician. Good luck. (
A discussion with Dr Robert Baloh, MD - Physicians, Specialists, Clinics & Visits 👨‍⚕️👩‍⚕️ - vestibular disorders support forum (older article but very good)
Vestibular Migraine Survival Guide 2014 - VM/MAV - vestibular disorders support forum
Vestibular Migraine


Thank you all for your replies and the wonderful articles!

Turnitaround: yes I think he said that the individual attacks shouldn’t last more than 72 hours.
Thanks for the advice for an oto neurologist, I will talk with my GP about that. Although I do not think the treatment will be different? My GP wants to try different meds if necessary and I think I can give some inspiration for that spending hours and hours reading older posts here ;-).
I just hope that the mri will not show anything worse.

I’m sure you will be fine, tumours in the brain are very very rare.

Yes, treatment to be honest is simply this:

  • manage the symptoms (see links from spinning girl, especially Dr. Hains), and let time and the body heal the problem.

I still cannot understand how and why vestibular migraine lasts as long as it does with 24/7 symptoms when “normal” migraine as attacks you take painkillers go to sleep then after no longer than 72hrs it disappears till the next attack,sooooo frustrating!

Thank you for all the information ! Now my head is spinning (from information overload:smile:) Although I always pick up little bits of useful info from these reports…it still seems to get back to controlling your own symptoms in the manner most suited to your body! It’s finding that path that seems to be the problem! - AND then sticking to the regime even when you feel better!! That is the real kicker - because it is soooo easy to revert once you are feeling better :confounded: Anyway - hoping everyone soon finds their own ‘path’ again!!

Mellybob neither can I. I suspect medical science will come up with a better explanation in time. I believe my ‘MAV’ is actually secondary hydrops.

ive heard you mention that before, what exactly is secondary hydrops? im not clued up on all this :sweat:

It’s an increase in pressure in the inner ear. Causes 24/7 tinntus, dizziness and can cause migraines.

is there anything that can be done to stop that from happening? how you feeling today james?

Sometimes it occurs from an accident or as a result of a primary health condition. It can improve over time naturally and spontaneously. You just have to be very patient …

Tinnitus is still annoying and I had a minor attack of the spins yesterday but no hangover from it.

Hows you?

lets hope it improves over time for you, I hope it does! oh nooo sorry to hear of your minor spins hope it didn’t last long, the hangover is awful from it, any hangover is awful tho I always end up in bed for a day with any hangover,i just don’t know when to say no more wine haha! my vision is a little better today not much but a little,so any improvement is a bonus I guess as my vision is my worst symptom, I can handle the off balance mini half spins!

I do believe that it has something to do with more pressure…so the hydrops theory works well for me too. Especially because during my period (sorry guys) I have way more fluid in my body (if you know what I mean), I can see it in my ankles and on the scale. So more pressure in my head too and that increases all my symptoms big time.

Sorry to hear you have spins again. You are such an example in how you handling all of this!

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Agnes that’s very nice of you. The spins weren’t bad, ‘mini spins’ but when I was sat up in the afternoon. Hate that. The key is to remain as calm as possible. It passed completely within a few hours. The main thing was I was disappointed. I had 3-4 weeks recently where I started to feel significantly better. I think that’s the general trend and you have to keep the general trend in mind when you get a relapse so you don’t get too disheartened. Never, NEVER, give up!


Glad the spins subsided relatively quickly! I agree that one has to hang onto the positive - I often feel that my body has a s*#t scene of humour, as every time I start to feel confident that something (not confined to MAV) is over, it sends a little reminder that it’s still there …just taking a nap!!!:disappointed: This causes a certain amount of fear/anxiety, which then has to be controlled…and so on and so forth!
I have to say that I also lean towards a ‘mechanical’ root cause (at least in my own case)…hydrops being a big suspect - but then what is causing the hydrops??? …also the possibility of ‘back’ problems having an effect…meanwhile - just to keep on trucking!!

Beth you and I are on the same page I think. I’ve generally learnt to deal with relapse and have largely been able to keep anxiety at bay. And once you are mentally ok that’s most of the battle won. But occasionally a scary one comes on and you have this awful return to doom and gloom. Yes I think we need to be philosophical about the body and its imperfection. In fact one thing the ENT said which resonated was: “ears aren’t perfect I’m afraid.”. And he is spot on. If you can somehow come to terms with the body being imperfect I think that can help. The problem with the ear is that it has so many neurons that love to remind us of this emphatically and all day long!!

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