They've changed topamax - figures!

Well, I hate to jump to conclusions, but the makers of Topamax have changed the color of the pill (as if that makes a freak’n difference), and have changed the imprint on the pill from “TOP” to OMN". Now, instead of getting a white pill every day, now my pill is almost yellow! This is the first night I will be forced to make the change, and I am very upset about it. Topamax has worked for me to a spectacular degree, and I’d hate to think that this new change could affect things. On the website, it actually says the following:

Q: How will these changes impact my therapy?

A: The new TOPAMAX ® Tablets have a new appearance, but they have the same active ingredient. The new look should not impact your therapy.

I made “SHOULD” in bold and underlined becasue I think that is the key point here. If there was no issue, they would have put “it will NOT affect your therapy”. The fact that they even listed the possibility that it could affect my therapy has made me question these changes. My make them? What is the freak’n point of changing the damn color of the pill?? At least with white, there are no additional dyes of any kind. to get this “yellow” color, they will have to dye the pill. It makes absolutely no sense, and I swear to God, I will sue them if the drug stops working because of this change. That is my 2 cents for tonight. I am very angry!!


Ok, I am getting word that they changed the med because it was getting confused with another med. Then change the other med!! I really don’t care about the other med. topamax is what is keeping me alive!! Anyway, according to the paperwork, the ONLY change to my pills is the addition of synthetic iron oxide, which the 50mg, 100mg, and the higer dosages of topamax already had. I wonder if this is a big deal or not.


It is not a problem man. This drug is for epilepsy, you think they would change anything that matters and risk causing seisures?
The only problem you will have from this is the one you create yourself, so just don’t think about it! Otherwise it’s entirely possible you will feel worse, just because you assume you should.

Thanks for the response. No, I suppose not. According to the technical sheet, the only difference is the addition of some synthetic iron oxide (for whatever reason). I just took my meds a few moments ago and I’m just going to forget it as quickly as I brought it up and just see what happens naturally (if anything). I’m not going to dwell on it. But, I do know that tweaking meds like this can have problems. I had to switch to the generic version of topamax (topiramate) for a while, and something in the med was setting me off until I switched back. It wasn’t me because I didn’t expect there to be any problem. It was only when I switched back that I realized it was the drug doing it. So, I hope they didn’t add some filler or something stupid just so there is a bigger difference between topamax and the other med they are worried about mixing up. I mean, all they had to do was change the imprint for God’s sake. That would have handled it. Anyway, I can’t do anything now lol I already took them. I understand exactly what you are saying and I do need to be careful not to do that as well though. And I will. Thanks buddy


Hey Rich,

I say don’t sweat it at all. I’m currently reading a book called “Bad Science” and there’s some interesting stuff in there about the colours of pills and the expectations people have of different colours - ie placebo affect. The good people at Topamax have probably discovered that yellow is GREAT for MAV and are in fact helping you :lol:



I can definitely understand your worries. But, I highly doubt that you have anything to fear. It is so normal that you would worry, though. Hopefully, in a few days, you’ll forget all about the change.

Hey Rich,

I know where you’re coming from. Using a generic brand of Cipramil used to mess me right up but if I stayed with the reguar stuff I was great. It turned out it was the packing agent the generic company was using. Considering you are still buying Topa from the same company, it’ll be the same active molecule (topiramate) and the same packing agents plus some new colour. You should be absolutely fine.

Scott 8)

Thanks everyone! I took my second dose tonight and so far, all is perfectly well. In fact, I was 100% for most of the day today instead of my usual 90-95%. I really love when I get those days. 100% for me is when there is absolutely ZERO light sensitivity, my vision is “soft” and clear, nothing bothers my eyes or my brain, and I don’t have any visual glitches. Even at 90-95% I have no complaints. Today, for a good portion of it, it was just PERFECT lol. Yeah for the yellow pill lol. No, really, I had no problems and so thanks for chimming in. I WAS a bit freaked out that there could be an issue.


So glad for you Rich! It’s wonderful to hear someone is getting through this! Just like the Beatles song Mothers Helper “that little yellow pill” can be a good thing.


— Begin quote from “Rich2008”

Thanks everyone! I took my second dose tonight and so far, all is perfectly well. In fact, I was 100% for most of the day today instead of my usual 90-95%. I really love when I get those days. 100% for me is when there is absolutely ZERO light sensitivity, my vision is “soft” and clear, nothing bothers my eyes or my brain, and I don’t have any visual glitches. Even at 90-95% I have no complaints. Today, for a good portion of it, it was just PERFECT lol. Yeah for the yellow pill lol. No, really, I had no problems and so thanks for chimming in. I WAS a bit freaked out that there could be an issue.


— End quote

Hey Rich,

I hope this is good news for everyone using the yellow pill, as I just got up to the 100 mg yellow pill this week and have had NO change in my vision with it! No change as it titrated up, no change as I am on it at 100mg. Just got to 100 mg though (took 8 weeks to get there.) My doc said I could have seen (pardon the pun) changes in the vision at 75 though, so I am a little concerned. It is my only real way of knowing if this med will work for me, as my visual symptoms have been the only thing that have been 24/7, constant, unlike my other symptoms. Do you know how long it took for your vision to start getting better on this med?

Thanks, Bonnie

PS> I had been on the while capsules until I got up to the yellow pill and yes, it is generic.


I’m not on “the little yellow pill” but propranolol (almost 3 weeks) and zoloft (2 days) and I’m wondering if that vision changing for the better is one of the first signs that a med(s) may be the right one(s) for you? I noticed yesterday that my depth perception was greatly improved. I was able to thread a sewing needle in one try!! Believe it or not I made a wedding dress for my daughter in law to be during this and yesterday was the first time I could almost see clearly! I think it’s a miracle, I told my whole family about it but I think all of you will understand more why I think this is soooo huge.

Also, do you all think this is a sign that I do indeed have MAV? I have never been diagnosed as to why I’m dizzy other than I’m just not compensating due to a minor ear problem. I’m thinking the ear troubles are migraine, I usually have a headache with the earaches but not always. Can MAV come on slowly with spells and then wham it gets real bad?

By the way my pills are blue/pink (I love pink) and pale blue, anybody got a song for that?

Tammy the fruit