Things i used to do

Has anyone been on any roller coasters since they had VM?

The reason i ask is that i am going to Disney in November and I don’t know what to do about the fast rides etc. My VM started after going on roller coasters so now i am scared to go on them again

Also has anyone been Scuba Diving since there VM?

I used to dive before all this happened and now I don’t know what to do about that

Wow Rob, that’s very brave of you! A good sign you must be feeling a lot better if you are up for going to Disney - is it the one in Paris or the USA?

I haven’t been on any roller coasters with MAV. I tend to feel normal when I am in motion so it wouldn’t be too much of an issue to go on it BUT I am not sure what the after effects would be and if my brain would rebel later. If your VM started from a roller coaster then maybe best not going on them or only the gentle ones! As for scuba diving, again not done it myself, but I do seem to recall Scott mentioning he had done this not too long ago. Maybe you could look back and search some older posts for that x

Hi Jem

How you doing? Any better?

It’s a family holiday which was arranged before my VM started. I still range between 75-80% i am hoping to get to 85-90% by the time the holiday comes around. Yeah maybe i should avoid them kind of rides then. Its still a thorn in my side i drop down to 40-50% quite often when i am at work

I can’t see why Scuba diving would cause any issues on the brain? I will see if I can find Scott post

if it helps at all mate… I went on a 12km toboggan run over the weekend with work. It got up to speeds of 51km p/h which is nothing compared to rollercoasters I guess, but it was still fast and windy…

I actually felt fine doing it, because I was concentrated on turning and keeping on the track haha…

theres a lot of things we can still do even though our brains make us think we cant.

Have you discussed with Dr S?

I am not asking someone who doesn’t let us drink booze or eat chocolate he will definitely say no. He just about lets me breath!! :lol:

— Begin quote from “robertgreen99”

I am not asking someone who doesn’t let us drink booze or eat chocolate he will definitely say no. He just about lets me breath!! :lol:

— End quote

Breath!? you got it easy mate, I can’t even do that :lol:

Maybe have a little quickie before the ride and all will be fine :lol: —sorry–had to do it…

As for the scuba–pressure build up in the ears can mess with the vestibular system on the normal person–would be leary if it were me.

Hi Ritchie & dolfnlvr,

I just wanted to thank you both for your last few comments on here.
You actually made me laugh and it’s soo good to still be able to have
a joke and laugh even after having one of those days when I wished
I could just disappear off the face of the earth.
So thanks again, as the saying goes … ''laughter is the best medicine" …
well at least sometimes.

Take care guys.

Annie :slight_smile:

P.S. Sorry Richy, I spelt your name incorrectly in the above post :oops:

Yes come to think of it Rob, I have heard scuba diving can do all sorts of bad things to the ear due to pressure, eg barotrauma etc. Seeing as the ears are linked so closely to the vestibular system/brain then maybe best to avoid it like the plague!

Sorry that’s probably not what you wanted to hear :frowning: