Topamax Question

Hi Everyone,

I am currently taking 25mg of Nortriptyline which has helped resolve some symptoms, but I can’t go up any higher because I start having negative effects…so my doc added some Topamax. I started two nights ago at 12.5 mg and I feel lightheaded from it the next day…a different lightheadedness from the dizziness I normally feel. It’s funny how one can become so expert at differentiating types of dizziness. Anyway, I really don’t like the feeling and I am wondering if this is just a startup reaction and my body has to regulate? And this side effect will subside…or is this something that won’t go away?


Hi Kim,
Some of the TCA’s can give people light headedness, I get it upon standing from a sitting possition.
before you get up , take it slowly and also pump your feet on the floor a few time before standing to get the blood flow going, That’s what I was told to do.
it helps a bit.
From what I hear yes it can happen.


my neuro told me that topamax could lower my blood pressure slightly but i’m on 150 mg a day. i did have some trouble with feeling light-headed and sleepy when i started and every time i increased the dosage. i adjusted to it eventually.

Hi Kim
I don’t know how to answer your question. The only meds I’ve taken topamax concurrently with are Advil or cyclizine but not at the same moment. Maybe you’re getting a bit of an interaction with the AD. However, I do remember a bit of a start-up side effect from topamax in the beginning, and I did wonder how the heck the medication would work for dizziness if I was going to feel a bit lightheaded or slightly dizzy upon taking it. That effect did go away and especially after raising the dose. But, as we always say on here: everyone is different. I never got the numbness or tingling, but topamax does make me cold which isn’t great in the cold damp northern California rainy weather. Brrrr. Other than that, this medication has been a lifesaver for me so far.

Hi Ladies,

Thanks for the responses…

Gail, it has helped your dizziness a lot?


Hi Kim
Yes, topamax has almost eliminated my dizziness in just one month. However, I’ve been working really hard on the food triggers, etc,. and I’m working with a physical therapist and upper cervical care chiropractor for my neck as well. I have at least three contributing factors, but I’d have to say that the topamax has been a great medical “bandaid” for me until I can see how much the neck work will do for me. Strange how these meds can be a lifesaver for one person and almost catastrophic for another one. Are you taking the topamax at night?? That was the only way I could take it in the beginning.

Sorry, Kim… You posted before that you took the 12.5mg at night… Duh! That’s certainly the best time to start it…and then fall into bed. Hopefully you’ll get the results you and your doctor are looking for.

Hi Gail,

So, you had some dizziness/lightheadedness at first from the Topamax, right? How long would you say that lasted for? I didn’t take it last night because I have a lot of stuff to do today and I can’t afford another nauseous, extra lightheaded dopey day. Would love to know how long it took for those side effects to subside for you…I guess I could endure if I knew they would subside soon.

I am also going to have someone do some DNFT chiropractic work on my neck since my Atlas is out…

I am glad to hear that you have had so much improvement!


Hi Kim
The side effects that I would get from Topamax didn’t carry over to the next day. I would just feel that way when I took it at night… so that worked out well. Oddly, during the day/late morning I would feel just a bit odd but certainly not worse dizziness or lightheadedness. Within a week or two when my dose was raised from 15mg. to 30mg I became energized with the daytime dosage, and now take the evening dose around 7-7:30pm to prevent any nighttime problems. I’m kinda wondering about the blending of your AD with the topamax. What time do you take the topamax in the evening???

Oh, Kim… I just came back awhile ago from my first upper cervical treatments (he did two the first time). Unbelievable… I feel so relaxed, I came home and did my resting and fell asleep. I’m supposed to keep my head level, no vacuuming, heaving work, etc. Most of these kinds of treatments only have to be done a few times with some checkups in between. A real radical departure from conventional chiropractic where they keep you in treatment indefinitely. If this goes well, this should make a huge difference in my head/neck difficulties and I can cut back on meds, etc. and hopefully he can help me with my 4yr. insomnia issue as well. I’ve been rather a high functioning mess for some time.
Gail : )

What did they do with your cervical treatments? My chiro has suggested for quite some time it may be a contributing factor. My neck is pretty jacked up from a car accident and my 15 years as a hairstylist. Did you ever hear of Nucca? There is a threat on here about it. Most say it’s a bunch of hooey, but I’m always open to hearing of someone’s successes.

Hi Kelley
I’ve heard of Nucca but don’t know anything about it. I just started upper cervical care today, and the chiro specialist used the Blair procedure… pretty trippy… kinda a muted karate chop hand position on the neck after a bunch of measurements (protractor like tools, etc.) and tests plus 3-dimensional x-rays. You can check it out on: and there are some links to the various methods used. Apparently this method is very successful for migraines and meniere’s. The guy I’m going to only works on the upper cervical area or I wouldn’t be going (too risky). I was in 4 car accidents in my 20’s, but mostly have had bad sinus problems most of my life until this past 5 years… my neck is a twisted knotted mess. Right after the treatments/releases, the knots & soreness in my neck were gone… that’s how they know that the C-1 & C-2 were released. It was wild. If you’re a hairdresser, you must really be bending all over the place!! Other than the first consultation, I thought this was pretty reasonable… will have to go for awhile for him to make sure the treatment stays, plus you are restricted from certain physical activities (vacuuming…boo hoo…), etc. for one month.
Gail : )

We had a massive NUCCA debate on here last May that was lost unfortunately when I moved the thread to the archive and back to the general discussion area again on someone’s request. I think the bottom line is that NUCCA is simply another form of chiropractic. I personally don’t believe in any of it apart from perhaps some temporary relief from neck tension and increased mobility in the neck, as you might expect from any other chiropractic neck adjustment and it may relieve a potential trigger. But even then the evidence is lacking and is really only there for lower back issues (for chiro).

I saw a chiropractor for many years and nothing ever changed. Short term fixes seemed to occur but nothing stuck. I then saw a physiotherapist about 5 months ago now for just two sessions and my neck has never gone back to its nasty state since and she showed me what to do to prevent it happening again. It only cost me $100 all up.

Not saying not to have a go but be aware that some will charge an arm and a leg and may try to lock you into a “treatment plan”. Also note that chiropractic neck adjustments can be dangerous.

Here is a review from Science-based Medicine on NUCCA (by a chiropractor):

Also, Wino has had a go with this treatment and can give a very good balanced personal review about it. Maybe he will chime in on this too.

Best … Scott 8)

Now I know what you’re referring to. I’d heard similar things. If the guy I’m seeing was not highly recommended by people who I know are straight-shooters/no B.S. professionals, then I’d be staying home. I don’t have a treatment plan that I’m locked into which is another reason I’m trying this out: I saw a chiropractor a few years ago that wanted like $3,000 dollars up front then more later just for MONTHS of back treatments when my primary symptom was the rampant dizziness. I backed away from that like poison ivy. I know someone personally who actually saw this guy and only had to go a few times plus a few follow-ups. I’m benefitting a lot from the physical therapy guidance in posture, neck exercises, etc. so I agree with you, Scott on that. I’ll keep you posted on whether I get scammed!! Though, let’s face it…it would be very suspicious if they advised me to gargle tumeric during the release maneuver… then I’d be REALLY worried. LOL

LOL. If he starts sprinkilng turmeric around the place before he cracks your neck, RUN like hell. :lol:


You’re in the east bay, right? Is your practitioner over there? And is he an Atlas Orthogonal chiropractor? Some of the procedures you mentioned sounded similar to the Atlas woman I saw…xrays, quick jolt to the neck with a thick needle, protractor measurements…she found that my Atlas, C2 was out of whack on the right side…which is where all of my veritgo spins happened too. Someone suggested DNFT which I guess is a low force chiropractic treatment that helps with neck injuries and is very gentle…anyone heard of it?

As for mixing the Topamax with the Nort…I’m sure that’s probably causing a problem, but interestingly enough, I felt nothing from the Topomax after taking it at night…took it at 7:30…in bed by 11:00…I felt gross from it the next day.


Good point, Scott. You know, at times I get so sick of dealing with all this, that I’m tempted to run from most of my appointments. In all seriousness, has anyone reported good results from NUCCA?? Also, what preventatives other than exercises and postural and lifting precautions was a physiotherapist able to give you?? Frankly, my insurance has approved around 24 physical therapy sessions, but I was afraid that maybe I wouldn’t see as much improvement from that, either. However, I DO love the neck traction - I feel like I’m being set up in a medieval torture device while being temporarily relieved from horrible neck compression. But, if they every bring in a tray of tumeric… I’m out of there…
Gail : )
P.S. BTW - do any of you guys actually take tumeric?? It’s kinda creepy stuff.

I think there is a success story about the Nucca stuff…
I think Tumeric is supposedly a good anti oxidant…no great cure of migraine, but good for you is what they say.
I heard of a lady who has had dizziness/vertigo for years and found out she had fluid in her tooth cavity (or something like that, dealing with the teeth)…they fixed it and her dizziness went away.

Scott has asked me to comment on my NUCCA experience. I planned to do that this morning, but got caught up with work. I will write the post this afternoon when I get back to the office.

Hi Kim
The guy I’m seeing is part of the large Upper Cervical Care network (I think). There’s many methods listed on the links, and he uses the Blair Procedure (Dr. Thomas Forest, Pleasanton). I think it’s similar in concept to the Atlas procedure. No needle thing, but he uses his hand at an angle…no pain. I hate to even discuss this knowing that the commentary (most likely very uncomplimentary) on the NUCCA experience is forthcoming this evening… LOL. It is my C1,2, & 3 that are out of whack after 4 whiplash car accidents in my 20’s… In any event, my physical therapist is top notch, and is referred to by tons of doctors in this area (East Bay Tri-Valley area), and she SWEARS by this guy. And, the physical therapy so far is also helping. So, I’ll give it a month and see what happens. I haven’t committed any money upfront to a contract, and I can cancel any number of appointments that I want… it’s very low key - this guy is hardly begging for patients since he teaches and lectures all over.