Vertical Heterophoria Syndrome (VHS)

- YouTube for more information.

What do you guys think?

Mups xChannel 7.

Hi Muppo,
I watched that last night before bed and my husband was saying GET TESTED!!
I got this condition AFTER a bout with Bell’s Palsy, and I wondered if somehow the virus affected my left eye, since it was the left side of my face that was affected. I couldn’t close that eye for 3+ weeks…part of the condition. Wonder if the redisual stuff caused that dizzy wonky feeling? I have always said “it is stemming from my vision”…so my thought it IF that was the initial thing, the stress and anxiety over not seeing correctly could have morphed into a worse condition that Ihave named “MAV”…even though I’ve never had a bad headache or family history of migraine.
I think I will look into a doctor who can test me for this.

I have already emailed her and inquired. I will probably go to see her when I get back to the States, if she thinks there might be some benefit.

My left eye goes out 45 degrees to the left about 99% of the time, and I have suffered from double vision since childhood. I only get convergence when I force my eyes to coordinate, which I only do a couple times a day.

Last night I patched my left eye (the one that goes out) and I felt much better, much less dizzy.

Another thing I noticed is that when I am in bed with my eyes closed, if I swish my eyes to the right, I feel motion to the right. If I swish them to the left, I feel motion to the left. I wonder if my eyes are giving me trouble even when closed.

I posted a some information about that a few weeks ago. There is also a doctor in Fresno California named Dr. Tajiri who treats this condition.

I was actually diagnosed last year with fixation disparity. I was assured prisms would alleviate my migraines and vertigo. I’m sorry to say they didn’t. In fact they made me worse. I really tried to accomodate them over quite a length of time but my quaility of life deteriorated so much that eventually I had to insist the prism strength was reduced considerably in order to be able to function at all without causing my MAV symptoms.

I wear contact lenses (obviously without prisms) but was told I should wear my prism glasses as often as possible to alleviate the eye misalignment. Funny thing is, that when my head symptoms are at their worst and I’m having a bad day, I can’t wear my glasses at all - my head just can’t cope with them.

But - even wearing the glasses for a little while on a regular basis seems to enable me to have less trouble with the computer, another trigger which I battle with daily. The optometrist’s thinking is that they give my eyes enough of a rest for them to be able to cope more easily with the computer.

There are two kinds of misalignment - vertical (as in vertical hetorophobia) and horizontal. I have the horizontal kind, so it doesn’t follow that if someone had the vertical kind they couldnt be helped with prisms as in this video.

It’s worth looking into for sure.


Very interesting story Mupp. I had never heard of that before now. There may very well be someone (or more) among us who might benefit from this.

I was thinking about my own case and I have too many other weird things going on that I cannot imagine would be explained by the eye misalignment – such as the inability to lie on my left or right side without feeling bad, or not being able to play guitar without kicking off huge disorientation. And then there’s the myriad of endless triggers and chemical sensitivities … blah :?

OKay, so I just got off the phone with the doctors office in Fresno, and Dr. Tajiri has retired. The lady on the phone calls this condition, hyperphoria, instead of VHS. I have always thought that my stuff came from a visual root, and I wonder if this is the case for me? You have to wear a patch on your eye (either eye) for 48 hours. Aye Matey!! That should be fun…I’ll get a parrot while I’m at it. What I wonder is if this is a visual thing, and meds helped me, does that rule out that it is my eyes? OR…does the calming meds help me deal with my brain being hyper trying to figure out WTF is happening? And all the anxiety that comes from it??
I think I will try it out…wish they could just mail me a pair of glasses with the prisms in it and see if it helps…lol…for the record, they have contacts with the prisms in them as well.

— Begin quote from ____

I think I will try it out…wish they could just mail me a pair of glasses with the prisms in it and see if it helps…lol…

— End quote

You can borrow mine if you like! :smiley:

Thanks for the heads up about the contact lenses - I’ll ask about that.


— Begin quote from “rockyksmom”

OKay, so I just got off the phone with the doctors office in Fresno, and Dr. Tajiri has retired. The lady on the phone calls this condition, hyperphoria, instead of VHS. I have always thought that my stuff came from a visual root, and I wonder if this is the case for me? You have to wear a patch on your eye (either eye) for 48 hours. Aye Matey!! That should be fun…I’ll get a parrot while I’m at it. What I wonder is if this is a visual thing, and meds helped me, does that rule out that it is my eyes? OR…does the calming meds help me deal with my brain being hyper trying to figure out WTF is happening? And all the anxiety that comes from it??
I think I will try it out…wish they could just mail me a pair of glasses with the prisms in it and see if it helps…lol…for the record, they have contacts with the prisms in them as well.

— End quote

Dr. Tajiri has retired, but he has another optometrist in the office who is able to maintain the same quality of care. I would recommend some of you seeing him. I would actually go there but I think I have a more likely case of either MAV or perilymph fistula.

Hi Kelley,

It makes perfect sense that to check for this all one has to do is cover one eye with a patch for 48 hours. It would stop the mismatch and the brain should stop freaking out if the problem stems from this. Saves having to be tested and waiting etc. Let me know how it goes. ARRRRRRRRRRR :lol:


Wait a couple of months before you get your eye patch. If you can start wearing it on International Talk Like a Pirate Day it would be so cool :smiley:


I am always impressed with the slew of stuff you find!! Craziness! Ahoy Matey!! Shiver me timbers!! I’m just practicing…

Yep, it’s definitely heterophoria as opposed to heterophobia, the latter being prejudice against tall straight people :lol:

If heterophobia is fear of heterosexuals and heterophillia is love of heterosexuals then is heterophoria just being really blissed out about being straight? I’m so heterophoric right now…

Ra!!! Just realized my typo - well at least we’ve all learned two new words today!! :slight_smile:

Ironically, I have been covering my left eye (the one that is lazy and goes 45 degrees outward) for the last two nights, for about 3 or 4 hours a night. It does make me feel a little better. But I cannot get a good eye patch here (in Taiwan), not even the simple basic black eye patch you could get at any Walgreens or CVS in America. They have the tiny contraption with double strings that looks like a training bra. I have not gone 48 hours yet.

For anyone interested in this I would suggest visiting:

There is a questionnaire that you can fill out that is sent to the above and they will (hopefully) contact you and let you know if you might be a candidate for having VHS.

I just sent mine. I’ll let everyone know if I hear back.

Interesting enough, I answered ‘Frequently’ or ‘Always’ to nearly all of the questions.

I’m always skeptical of ‘miracle cures’, but I’m also not into limiting my options.

I did the questionnaire and submitted it and never heard back!!
I also answered mostly yes and /frequently/always.

I did the questionnaire and they called me back within 4 business days.

I received 47 points on the questionnaire, and they said anyone with a score greater than 15 is a possible case of VH…

The woman on the phone (I think she was a nurse) said that all my symptoms sound like VH.

If I rule out the possibility of MAV and perilymph fistula, I will definitely find an optometrist who can treat VH.

I have prisms in my glasses and have for some time. My eye problems were dealt with long before the dizziness started; that came on with perimenopause, so for me, the drifting eye wasn’t causing my dizziness.

But I do like to talk like a pirate. Arrgh.