What is dose equivalence of amitriptyline and nortriptyline?

What is the equivalent dose of amitriptyline and nortriptyline?

I want to ask my doctor to start me on a low dose of amitriptyline. Something like 10 mg and then move up to 25 mg.

If I asked my doctor for nortriptyline instead, then what would the equivalent dose be?

They are interchangeable
Same dose

— Begin quote from “rockyksmom”

They are interchangeable
Same dose

— End quote

Hi Kelley. Sorry to sound a bit dumb but do you mean they are interchangeable in the sense that **10mg amitriptyline **has the same potency as 10mg nortriptyline?

yes…they are basically the same…nort is the metabolized version of ami. Nort supposedly has less side effects of drowsiness and dry mouth (the anticholinergic stuff)…ami more sedating…Imipramine is in the middle…they are all tricyclics because of the molecular structure in a 3 ring shape, but not because they all hit the 3 neurotransmitters (sero, dopamine and Norepinephrine)…just sayin…