Why applesauce with Verapamil?

Hey everyone! Hope your all enjoying a migraine/dizzy free day!!! :roll:

I just started verapamil last week and have read many posts on here about people breaking it up and putting it on applesauce and I’m curious why you do that? I know nothing about this drug and not even sure what it is supposed to help. But when I asked my pharmacist about it, he said DO NOT break it up as it loses it’s effectiveness. Does anyone know about that?

One more question: is the verapamil supposed to help with the dizziness, rocking and motion intolerance or the headache? I don’t get headaches with this so I’m just wondering. I can call my dr but you guys are really the best sources for me.



Hey M!!!

Just read your post. I have been on Verapamil since being dx with MAV 2007. I take the ER version. I read in Buchholz book that this was a very good and easily tolerated MAV drug. I have had no issues with it whatsoever. Not exactly sure what it helps with, as I am on 3 daily preventatives :mrgreen:
