"You are SO lucky...!" rant

Yes…it would appear that since I don’t have debilitating pain during my migraines, I’m ‘lucky’. I get this from regular migraine sufferers who don’t get the auras including vertigo. Usually, these people don’t understand the struggle involved with trying to remember your name…you know…the one you’ve had for 47 years or to look at your child and not be able to understand the sounds coming from their mouth. All you DO get is the pain in their own eyes as they feel ‘ignored’, as indicated by the vacant look you can afford them. Do they get the pain my body suffers as it tries to keep this edifice of a body from toppling over? Okay - I confess that the brain playing photoshop with my vision can sometimes be really cool…but it is usually accompanied by mass confusion. Back spasms are an almost daily thing, migraine or no. Granted, some of this is all due to the inner ear damage I’ve been dealing with…but what is making my dizziness worse? You got it. My inner ear damage is a forever thing - as is the tinnitus and deafening roar in my ears. My migraines push it in deeper, often causing my ears to fill, my eyes to pulse. I feel for you guys who get the breathtaking pain. And I do consider myself fortunate to not have to deal with that as well. But I’m begging you…don’t tell me how lucky I am…and I swear, I won’t tell you how lucky you are to not be in my shoes.

:gently steps off soapbox:

disclaimer: the above is a rant bourne out of the psycho…logical frustration I’m experiencing today and not intended to offend anyone. I’m simply sharing today’s feelings…out with the bad to make way for the good.

Dammit, migraines should NOT last 2 days!!! :shock:

I also like it when people tell me how lucky I am for being deaf! Sure, maybe they have a screaming toddler at their heels at that moment… But they can also throw a CD of calming music into the CD player and listen to it when they get home.

Sorrry for the whine… I miss the whistle of the wind through the trees the most…


— Begin quote from “caglenn”

I also like it when people tell me how lucky I am for being deaf! Sure, maybe they have a screaming toddler at their heels at that moment… But they can also throw a CD of calming music into the CD player and listen to it when they get home.

Sorrry for the whine… I miss the whistle of the wind through the trees the most…


— End quote


— Begin quote from “marie-johanne”

disclaimer: the above is a rant bourne out of the psycho…logical frustration I’m experiencing today and not intended to offend anyone. I’m simply sharing today’s feelings…out with the bad to make way for the good…

— End quote

Umm, I think that a lot of us here have heard the same thing. I don’t think that you are going to offend anyone on this sight because you are just stating things most of us have said at one time or another. :lol:

I have been off of work long enough that they have me applying for disability, and the lack of pain keeps coming up as a confusing issue. “How often do you get migraines?” I don’t know, I can’t feel any pain, just all of the other symptoms. Sometimes I wish I could feel the pain so that I could simply tell people that it is “just” a migraine. :evil: