And the last one Lisa asked me to post. A very creative way to explain this invisible illness. As I write this now at 10.20 PM, I am definitely out of spoons.
Time for bed and new spoons. S
spoon_theory.pdf (82.8 KB)
And the last one Lisa asked me to post. A very creative way to explain this invisible illness. As I write this now at 10.20 PM, I am definitely out of spoons.
Time for bed and new spoons. S
spoon_theory.pdf (82.8 KB)
Thanks Scott,
I forwarded to the very few of my friends that went through my hardest days with me, and to my family. I don’t think anyone who hasn’t been there will truly understand, but it gives a little insight.
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for posting Scott. I have to get high tech like you so I can figure out to do this on my own…lol. Sorry for all the extra work.
This article touched me in such a way and I hope you will all read and share with your loved one. I think it will greatly increase the understanding of what we all go through living with our dizziness day in and day out.
that was an excellent article
I had heard people talk about ‘spoons’ and in the midst of undiagnosed VM last year, I googled what it meant. It made sense.
However, I have seen it used for people to state how many spoons they have on any given day which would be wonderful but now, hopefully on the long road to recovery, I find I can’t use ‘spoons’ as an analogy I have no idea how many spoons I have. I might think I have 5 in the cutlery drawer but when I open it, they’ve disappeared. Or i might think I’ve only got one but then unexpectedly open the drawer to find another one’s appeared.
The frustration of this is that I can only assume I have one spoon a day and therefore have to ‘triage’ my tasks that day so that I get the most important one done first.
The thing that p*sses me off about this is that I generally never have enough spoons to finish the tasks and still have spoons for fun stuff. For a while eating became my fun thing as I didn’t need any spoons for that (lol - no pun intended) but my weight shot up on the amitriptyline so I’ve had to curb my eating.
Sorry for the moany post.
I think that’s the whole point. Nobody suffering this condition acutely ever does.
It’s a good analogy though but some people do prefer the full jug theory originally expounded by Dr S.
Appointment with Dr Surenthiran
What do you mean by spoon? Is this the physical spoon being used in the kitchen? How do use it?
I will look to fix the pdf link in the OP, apologies.
I’ve replaced the article in the OP with the one that was originally there.
I appreciate your goodness for sharing. Thank you. I also want to try this method and hopefully, will work for me.
I recommended it to my therapist.