Help me.

Anyone experience aside from chronic tinnitus fullness and pain almost feels.luke water needs to drain put for a over a week. Scared it means vertigo is coming

Use the Search facility on here and you will find comments on this water dripping feeling. I read of others getting it too.

I have. Had my eustachian tube checked in Sept all ok. Not much info o it. The pressure and pain is normal of vm even if im not dizz? Should i be concerned

You would need to discuss that with your doctor.

Iā€™ve ignored it for a week. Mri clear now you have scared me. All I want to know is this a vm symptom

It is not a symptom Iā€™ve ever experienced or discussed with a doctor so I do not know. It is not a symptom I recall reading listed as being a VM symptom. However symptoms vary from one individual to another. If you have had recent clear MRI it is unlikely to be anything to worry about. Make a doctorā€™s appointment and find something else to do to distract you from worrying until itā€™s time to see the doctor.

Every time I go they say ears are are.clueless for anything after that.

Yes it totally is a symptom. It usually preceded an attack or longer term episode for me. Benadryl helps but it could make you dizzy. Iā€™d rather be dizzy than have my ears doing that.

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Iā€™m scared of meds, but MAV pushed me so far into a corner I just had no other option. I can say Iā€™m much better, Iā€™m not how I was before and with each increase I felt awful, dizzy, scared and out of control. After about 10 days this calmed and Iā€™d be a bit better only going up in 5mg doses every couple of months. Itā€™s hard but MAV untreated is much worse. I take Amitriptiline and like you I had insomnia, and Ami helped me sleep. We need sleep to heal. Iā€™m sorry you are suffering but meds have really saved me. I hope this can help you


Hi Ane
There has been 3 significant relapses where I havenā€™t been able to sleep for dizzinessā€¦ I recal the longest was about a week of sleep deprivation and even when I started sleeping again I was still in a terrible state.

One positive though was that I always got better no matter how significant the relapse was. It was asif Iā€™d had a massive brain injury and took me months to recover but I did everytime I think it is important to remember that. We all know what youā€™re going through and appreciate you are struggling. Did you start any meds yet?


Thatā€™s like me. Exactly like I recover every 3 months. I get about two weeks of waking up with dizzies feeling drunk through out then goes away sometime for 6 mths but am I still a candidate for meds if I have such big gaps from relapses.

Well are they ā€˜relapsesā€™? How can you be sure? Its very difficult to tell ā€˜relapsesā€™ from ā€˜new attacksā€™. When occasional symptoms still occur between, almost impossible Iā€™d say. Couldnā€™t it just be you are experiencing episodic attacks that clear away up to a point between one and the next. I suffered occasional attacks, about two a year for more than ten years.

So meds stopped this for you? Iā€™m on nearly 2.months of no dizzies in sleep but last 2.night Iā€™m.get mini sleep worried they are.coming back

Its like thr back of my head is heavy and tight Md feel hungover

The neurologist told me that feeling is The Migraine headache that generates the vertigo and keeps the cycle repeating so you can have periods of freedom or near freedom from symptoms then it all comes around again. I was like that for years then gradually more I experienced more symptoms between the attacks until it became chronic with symptoms all day everyday.

My motherā€™s doctor once told me once symptoms, from any condition not just MAV, began to affect your quality of life it was time to seek treatment. Helen

So in other words meds will stop relapses?

The only way to find out is to try some long-term and see if they work for you. The aim of preventatives is to reduce the frequency, severity and duration of attacks. There are no guarantees.


Hi all im terrified and any way i move my head i have vertigo. I woke up with anxiety then came the attack is been 8 months and it returned. In so scared so you have to just wait for it to pass? Feels like bppv i canā€™t look up or down any movement laying down is the worst in so afraid again

Sorry youā€™re going through this. Try to relax as best as you can. Breathe. Get a lot of water in you. It will eventually pass. If it is BPPV then a maneuver is needed to get that right again.

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How do i know the difference when after all these yr i can never tell. My hearts even beating funny