Help us maintain this site!

I believe, as Iā€™m sure you do, mvertigo is a critical support resource for sufferers of chronic vestibular conditions all over the globe, making a really positive impact to so many peopleā€™s lives every day. It is considered the goto place on the internet for vestibular migraine. And unlike Facebook, you can come here anonymously.

However, the downside of running a separate forum outside of the big platforms like FB is that there are real costs involved.

If you are finding mvertigo helpful and enjoying using it please consider a financial contribution to help keep this wonderful community resource going.

If you click the image below you will be directed to our safe & secure PayPal donation page. It accepts cards or your PayPal account. Consider a recurring monthly donation. Thanks for your time & support!


(Donā€™t worry about being prompted in USD (US Dollars) if that is not your local currency, your card will do the conversion)

I fully appreciate and respect that not everyone will feel like they are in a position to contribute financially, and thatā€™s fine, there are clearly a myriad of other ways to contribute, but even a small contribution helps :slight_smile:

I assure you I will keep:

  • all contribution entirely voluntary
  • all contribution strictly private

I also aim to keep:

  • the site ad free (apart from ā€œMember Recommended Productsā€)

if at all possible.