Insulin Resistance is an act of preservation of glucose for the brain

Migraine Relief, Ketosis & Insulin Resistance w/ Elena Gross, PhD
There is evidence to suggest that a migraineur turns insulin resistant. It may not be the cause of migraine, but an act of preservation of glucose for the brain.

03:25 It was known that there is a link between energy metabolism and migraines… Pharma is most times a monotherapy, targeting one pathway.

04:06 Migraine is a multigenic disorder. Chronic civilization diseases don’t have one target.

05:30 Your migraine continues after the pain is suppressed with triptan drugs.

05:57 Migraine vaccines target one neuropeptide that is involved in pain transmission. It does not look at the root cause of migraine.

08:31 Migraines are an energy deficit syndrome, an adaptive response to a severe energy crisis in the brain that can be triggered by oxidative stress levels being too high or hypoglycemia/hypometabolism.

08:48 Between attacks, a migraineur’s brain has 20% less ATP on average than a healthy person.

09:14 Migraineur brains have increased oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction.

11:51 Your genetic phenotype may be more susceptible to migraines because of your inherited metabolic milieu.

12:38 There is an ancestral advantage to having a hyperexcitable brain.

14:35 Blue light is increases oxidative stress in the eye and through your skin to your mitochondria of even in healthy individuals. Increasing oxidative stress in the mitochondria means you are making less ATP.

15:42 When your brain is in an energy crisis, it turns on the migraine as an alarm, forcing you to rest.

17:09 You still have an energy deficit in your brain when you take triptans and potent pain killers for a migraine attack to override your body’s warning signal.

17:30 Migraineurs have a higher risk of depression.

18:07 Migraine risk goes down dramatically in diabetics.

19:24 There is evidence to suggest that a migraineur turns insulin resistant. It may not be the cause of migraine, but an act of preservation of glucose for the brain.

20:03 Migraine triggers are related to oxidative stress increase.

20:11 Teen girls who take oral contraceptives develop migraines 6 months to a year later, or they existing migraines worsen.

21:11 Premenstrual migraine happens when estrogen plummets.

23:37 Migraineurs often have a delayed insulin response, first sending too little insulin and then too much.

25:23 If you still have migraines on a low carb diet, try taking out dairy and gluten. It this still does not work, try ketosis.

25:41 Ketone bodies are signaling molecules that can reduce hyperexcitability via a number of mechanisms.

26:04 Ketosis also increases mitochondrial biogenesis. More mitochondria should translate into more energy.

26:16 Ketones reduce oxidative stress.

27:10 If your liver isn’t making enough ketones or you are stressed with high cortisol levels, you can add BHB exogenous ketones, like a ketone body salt.

28:53 Exercise is one of the most potent migraine triggers.

31:05 In a study, migraineurs had glucagon resistance.

35:39 A migraine attack can sometimes be aborted at the beginning with high dose BHB exogenous ketones with magnesium.


Here’s me, smug. :+1:

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@Andy, how does this play in with your thinking? Add in that pro-inflammatory thing and it describes me exactly. Except I’ve been insulin resistant for 30 years as a feature of PCOS. MAV didn’t have to activate that defense mechanism. Bypassing my glucose metabolism is the only way I function.

I see insulin resistance as a symptom and not a cause Emily. Intermittent fasting and staying low carb will help rectify this part of MAV but it won’t cure it.

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Also looking at 27:10 I believe we all most likely have low liver function and I take NAC in the morning and afternoon on an empty stomach. Still not fixed though…

I never thought insulin resistance was a cause. Genetic or epigenetic autoimmune disaster - yes. Everything else is fall out. I just wondered how the theory - a metabolic disorder - fits your hypothesis.

I’m not expecting to be fixed from my own genetics. I’m working on long term, sustainable, livable management strategies. Same quest I’ve been on since the 90s.

Sorry, I read the title of the video and assumed that’s what you meant. Erm… yeah lol I’m up in the air at the moment because I still don’t want it to be Autoimmune! I’m hoping it’s just closely linked due to a low / dysfunctional cortisol response. The fact that most of us here are a bunch of Type A’s or prone to anxiety / had stress before MAV suggests we were all adrenaline junkies and we burnt out. Can we replenish Cofactors, ATP function and gain a normal cortisol pattern with an adequate epinephrine response back? Don’t know. I’m like everyone else and I’m trying everything because I don’t like the other option.

I have the 2 theories on the go at the moment but I need a breakthrough soon. I’m bored of this already…

I hope you get one, a breakthrough. I never have despite a whole lot of trying and research over a few decades, dozens of health care modalities, providers, specialties and countless n=1 with diets, supplements, lifestyle modifications. I sure know a lot more about anatomy and physiology now than I ever learned in my pre-med degree. The only thing that ever works for me is grim resignation, acceptance and getting the hell on with my life anyway.

My homeopathic doctor thinks he has the key. Magic beans for someone carbohydrate intolerant. I’m polite but not optimistic. Just trying every avenue.

Replenish, maybe. But you have to have been normal to begin with to go back to that state. I’ve never been that. I really do hope you find a way to recharge the battery and that the process is reliably repeatable multiple times. If not, well, how’s your gallows humor? Mine is honed.

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Watching the video now and apart from being called a Neanderthal lol I buy into the hypersensitivity. By being stressed out constantly we have relabelled our environment as a threat. This happens in our Amygdala I think :thinking: Now everything activates an adrenaline response hence why most list anxiety as a symptom of MAV but would refuse to say they are actually anxious about anything in particular… because they are just going about doing normal things.

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Well, that’s exactly what the homeopath said on Monday. Though he’s always speaking in emotional abstracts and has not once mentioned a particular mechanism or even an organ for that matter. He’s kind of big on the trust me, I’ve done this before model. I picked him because he listed a specialty in neuro-endocrinology. Not that I could tell from anything he says. I’ve learned not to trust or hope, but I’m just fantastic at going thru the motions. And sugar pills, aside from messing with my already disastrous glucose metabolism, are unlikely to do me harm. I do like the free tea in the lobby.

I don’t know what he’s charging but as an insurance policy drink as much tea as you can!! lol

Halfway through the vid. I can also buy into the mitochondrial dysfunction as this was on my list near the start also. After seeing my symptoms were so wide and varied I felt like it had to be something fundamental that draws a link between all symptoms and this led to Hormones & Mitochondria.

I’ll keep watching…

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Yeah, ponder. Your mind is interesting to watch as it works.

The lady is now talking about delayed insulin response and this explains why the AIP diet helps me as I don’t spike my blood glucose levels. But what she isn’t mentioning is that cortisol and adrenaline are intertwined with this process and could explain why some of us (me for sure) wake up in the night with a racing heart as the stress hormones are being actioned to rebalance the system?..

Ok, I’m going to eat a load of cream cakes and become diabetic to get rid of MAV! Who’s with me? Anyone?

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Lol I am with you, diabetic and MAV free.


Have you tried BHB exogenous ketones with magnesium to abort migraine, Em ?

A while ago - pre-chronic MAV. I have a shipment on order as of this morning. :stuck_out_tongue:


Keep us posted!

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@blueberry0 Joanna, you asked this question.

There is evidence to suggest that a migraineur turns insulin resistant. It may not be the cause of migraine, but an act of preservation of glucose for the brain.

Ketosis and Keto diet can fix this. Low carb diet helps as well.

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