Nobody else is going to bite, it’s you and me. Jen would do it, she’s just out having too much fun in her new-found Topa life. Judy would do it and if she wouldn’t I would post that pic of her dancing on the table myself :mrgreen: )
So back to Joe’s original thoughts about this thread, which we mutilated in our jesting, sorry Joe, yes, this illness has been a shock to my system on all levels, physically, emotionally, spiritually. I never in my wildest dreams thought anybody, and certainly not me, could be this sick and live through it, in fact, be this sick and not even be in danger of dying. The symptoms have been horrifying, to say the least and although I am thrilled with my progress, the thought is never far from my mind, “how far will I progress? how will I age? will there be an old people’s home for MAVer’s? and will i have to enter it as soon as my husband is gone? (he’s 12 years older than I am)”
What a life changing event of the year, huh? I remember years ago being handed a book after my baby sister was killed in a car wreck called Necessary Losses. It talked about the growth process and how an essential part of it was grieving one loss after another. We have all lost so much and it’s appropriate to grieve it. Joe, it’s good that you noticed the sadness on your face - i’ll bet a lot of people would not have wanted to see it.
When I said at the end of my first post in this thread that “i’ve seen too much” i was referring not only to the shockingly horrific symptoms (like Heather used to say, “Who made up this insane illness?!”) but also the depths of the depression it brought with it. You think Topamax packs a punch? Think what you will of homeopathy - the homeopathic remedy i was given to cure my dizzies took me to hell and back. Scott knows what I’m talking about. T.S. Elliot knows what I’m talking about and nails it in his Four Quartets. William Styron, author of Sophie’s Choice, nails it in his own way in his book Darkness Visible.
So, yea, I’m real sad, I’m weathered, I’ve seen more than i ever wanted to see in this life time. But here I am.
Thanks for the thread, Joe.
Kim, I guess we’ll have to settle for exchanging pictures via email. I’m game.
P.S. I know I keep telling that story, but this is my therapy group