Migra medic supp. update


What a stupid reply. You would’ve been better off just shutting your mouth & not further revealing your ignorance, stupidity, and your true identity as a Snake Oil Rep.

Obviously you did NOT read what I take. Fool; 90% is herbal or vitamins, some with a lot of evidence, some a little, and some with some personal experience. It is quite possible that you do not know what they are. Now that I have called your attention to it, of course you can Google some info & pretend you knew all along.

Forget trying. I’m calling your bullshit in advance…

What you amount to even as a Snake Oil Saleswoman is a major [size=150]FAIL[/size]

You lied.We cut your story up. And you died.

Bye now!!



Now that Lisa is out of the picture, can you tell me if the below supplements are actually helping you manage your MAV? Are you at 100% with the below only? If not, at what % is it holding you at?

“5Htp 100mg, 500mg Tyrosine, Gingko, 600mg magnesium, B2 400mg, Butterbur/Feverfew 2xday, SJW & CoQ10. Melatonin & Valerian at night”

I ask because Dr Ron Granot says he only ever prescribes B2 and Feverfew in his practice but is not a fan of them. Likewise another highly skilled MAV specialist Dr Shaun Watson who worked with Professor Halmagyi says that I can try these vitamins but not to stick with them for too long if I don’t see any results.

Moreover, 5HTP is an over the counter anti depressent, and Tysosine also works on similar neurotransmitters. Melatonin and Valerian both are predominantly for better sleep so why take both?

Are all the above that you take daily really helping? And are you just trying to avoid prescribed medicines? Reason I ask is because Dr Ron Granot says vitamin supplements are just like prescribed medicines. He says just because they are produced in your body naturally, they still have to be treated like medicines and you should stop taking those vitamins if they don’t work. Prescribed medicines are on the hand foreign substances that you consume to help control the illness but at the end of the day they are both medicines.

Scott, Victoria and others, your 2 cents on the above will also be much appreciated.

Hi Nabeel,

Oh great I just typed this all out, hit the wrong button and it all erased! Let’s see if I can hit all the points again…

I have only just today started with B2 and Cq10 as they arrived in the mail. We shall see if they make any difference.

Butterbur/fevervew combo was recommended by a neuro and have been on it 4 or 5 weeks. Seems to be helping, I have only had dizziness & headache when I had caffeine and food triggers for 2 days in a row. The thing that has improved drastically since taking the butterbur combo is my depth perception I had almost zero when I started it. Fractal vision has also improved. Also seems to help ear fullness a little bit so far. And, I had good luck with feverfew many years ago when I had ‘classic’ migraines.

Gingko I just started again Tuesday, it’s helped in the past with the tinnitus. I only stopped taking it when I got sick this year, not knowing if I should take it. Also, to be honest, I couldn’t think straight back then to save my life. Had difficulty remembering what day it was, let alone to take vitamins & such. Fingers crossed it will work again I hate tinnitus so much.

STJ I just started Tuesday; had luck in the past many years ago for mild to moderate depression. I can’t tolerate anti depressants anymore & I never would have thought of it for dizziness until dx early this year, reading Heal you Headache and finding this forum. I take only 2 doses as I still take 5htp at night and want to be sure I do not get serotonin syndrome as they warn about; there are several combo tablets I have seen that have both SJW and 5htp in them so I am not too scared.

I have taken 5htp for several months it seems to help anxiety. I looked at University of Maryland Medical School & found 400mg of 5htp listed. I will only take that if I drop the SJW.

I have taken magnesium supplements at different times over the years, and also take epsom salts baths. Helps people who yawn all the time, not sure why, and you should see how fast my fingernails grow.

One of the best sleep aid tablets I ever took had melatonin and valerian in it. I cannot find this brand anymore, so I take separate melatonin and valerian caps at night it helps me sleep wonderfully. Have been using it for insomnia off and on for years.

The L Tyrosine I take for a slow thyroid. In combo with kelp (iodine) I have successfully kept myself off of thyroid meds over the years. I have blood drawn almost every year to check this and other things, and when it was drawn in February it showed my thyroid had been slowing down. Initially I took a product from Now foods that combines kelp and L Tyrosine with other things (b6???) but I couldn’t find it recently so I just picked up the L Tyrosine. I already had some kelp caps so I take them both. It is something that, again, I have used for years off and on that has helped & bloodwork proves it. Plus of course I feel better. Probably I shouldn’t list it on my signature as it is not migraine specific, much like I don’t list the multivitamin I take & extra C.

So far I have had nothing but bad luck trying the meds for migraine prevention. I am, and always have been, very med sensitive. Much more so than even other members of my family. Even with the Valium and Xanax that I am prescribed, I still need less than most people to get a good result. Most of the time; we all have those days when we couldn’t walk without Valium.

As far as what is working? Well as I said I have just started some of these things like the B2 but I can say that my entire adult life I have felt better when I take a B50 or B100 supplement 2 times a day. So that may be an indicator that the B2 is good for my migraine brain. Butterbur/feverfew combo, like I said seems to be working. Neuro said 4-6 weeks.

I agree at the end of the day, they are both ‘medicines’ and if the migraine specific ones don’t work I’ll chuck 'em.

Another issue I need to overcome is that I have no insurance, and no way to see the specialist that my doc consulted with re the butterbur combo, or any doc for that matter. Hopefully I will be well enough to go back to work in 3 weeks and then if I am not nearer to 90% go to the doc again.

As far as how far am I now? It is hard to judge. I don’t tend to wake up spinning anymore, so that’s good. Depth perception and fractal vision are better. Don’t spend my entire day rocking. However my brain is still fuzzy. Better in the last 6 weeks or so but nowhere near what I am capable of. And the fatigue is horrendous. So I am better than 50%, but not 90% plus that I want to be. I need to function fairly well at work, at least 75% minimum; lots of brainwork and public contact that exhausts me. My job is a cause of stress to me and I am looking to change it so hopefully, that will help me get to where I need to be.

But hang on Kathleen, isn’t ALL herbal medicine woo? Isn’t that what we said despite your signature clearly showing otherwise? :lol:

Yeah that’s me, Scott! The Woo Woo Girl! :lol:

To everyone who has posted on this thread:

I never imagined that this would turn into what it has. It’s so disappointing to me on many levels. I simply wanted to let you all know that MigraMedic was (and continues to) helping me.

I’m not as verbally skilled or eloquent as most of you here, so I’m choosing to refrain from participating in any type of debate. My simple mind does wonder WHY it’s OK to freely discuss all of the other supplements ( SJW, COQ, etc.) at SAME TIME you are slamming a different supplement? It seems blatantly hypocritical to me.

I will continue to take MigraMedic because it HELPS MY MIGRAINES. I’m smart enough to know that if something doesn’t work then you stop doing it. That isnt the case, yet, with MigraMedic and I’ve been on it now for over a month now. I’ve gone from 2-3 migraines a week down to only 2 this past month. As I stated in an earlier post, it has not helped the dizziness, just the pain.

Please, everyone, chill out, stop the finger pointing and save all of your knowledge and energies for more important things like your loved ones.



I think you should re-read the entire thread.

The only thing that made a negative impact on this discussion, was Lisaa’s inability to** have** a discussion. Period. As you can see, I myself take many vitamins and herbal supplements that I have either info about or history with. I wanted answers but Lisaa was incapable of providing them. And, to top that off? She insulted me, and everyone else here who was asking her questions. All because she could not provide the needed information. Not because anyone here was bashing natural medicines; we just wanted answers.

Everyone on this forum wants you to feel better, and as I myself stated if it works for you then good! If you are the first one on the forum to benefit from it so what?

We just wanted answers from a person who turned out to be totally incompetent. It is very important to take supplements and herbs seriously, as they can be strong.
Information of the type we were all asking for is** critical** to making an informed decision about what to put into our bodies.

Nothing negative was ever directed at you. In fact, if you would take the time to re-read the thread, you will see that people here were sticking up for you, Lisaa was using you as a distraction from the fact of her own incompetence.

Your frustration would be better directed at the person who caused all the fuss, not the people asking her questions.



I DID take the time to re-read the thread. I never said that I felt frustrated or attacked by you all…I said that I felt disappointed on many levels. I dont have frustration to direct towards anyone. I was just hoping that everyone could calm down. So what if Lisa didn’t answer the hard questions…does it make everyone somehow feel better if she is labeled “incompetent!!!” At the end of the day, insults are flung around by all involved, questions go unanswered, posturing is achieved by recitaion of certain knowledge, and assumptions are the booby-prize. Did everyone achieve what they wanted!!!

Like I said before, all of that time and energy could have gone somewhere that really matters.


Hi guys,

I think we’ve analysed this stuff about as far we can go. Glad you are in a relatively migraine free period Linda.

There’s a great article by Steve Novella at Science-Based Medicine that everyone seeking treatment should read:

[size=130]The Role of Anecdotes in Science-Based Medicine[/size]

"An anecdote is a story – in the context of medicine it often relates to an individual’s experience with their disease or symptoms and their efforts to treat it. People generally find anecdotes highly compelling, while scientists are deeply suspicious of anecdotes. We are fond of saying that the plural of anecdote is anecdotes, not data. Why is this?

… the most compelling stories are our own. When we believe we have experienced something directly, it is difficult to impossible to convince us otherwise. It’s just the way humans are hardwired."

