I bought Migralens about the same time as you. I was really bad with MAV at the time and unmedicated. I put them on and found I could do a Tai Chi workout for 30 minutes almost without symptoms of imbalance at all. Trouble was I couldnt see whether the toast was burnt, whether I’d put milk in the tea cup. They were so dark. And it may sound very obvious but with tinted lens, when do you take them off. TV looked peculiar through them. I darent walk outside in them because I couldnt see edge of steps. I sent them back for full refund. Maybe they would be OK during acute attack for plp to avoid drawing curtains. I dont know.
I bought Theraspecs direct from the Theraspecs company in US. Brilliant service, they were here in 6 days and I could track the delivery on line by the minute. They arrived on time to the minute all the way from Arizona I think it is. I bought both, indoor and outdoor. Never worn the outdoor ones at all. I have wraparound sunglasses I prefer. I’ve found it impossible to get used to the pink tinge, TV screen colours most peculiar. So they are here, somewhere it the back of the dresser still in original package. I was too ill when they arrived and got outside return times to send them back. I’ve had some interesting articles from Theraspecs about the use of them and photophobia sent through since. On their site, if interested. Alot of plp seem to get on with them particularly for supermarket shopping. I’ve never tried that.
Interesting I did use a pair of wraparound amber tinted glasses for TV, overcast days indoor and general use really for many months very successfully. Designed to reduce glare when driving they came mail order from a company caled Chums and were a free gift if you bought wraparound sunglasses for about a tenner! I later loaned them to a sister in law post cataract operations and she was delighted too,
My light sensitivity has responded well to the preventatives and, on a good day, I can do some supermarket shopping fine now without extra tinted specs. On a really bad day, I’d stay away. In between I use the wraparounds.
In UK any decent optician will make up a slight, 6%?, tint either grey or brown to suit and you should be able to wear it all the time. Won’t work with Reactalite lens as well though. My optician was very dubious about the pink tint saying he thought that it could cause migraine, it’s so unnatural.
As I said trouble is with excessive tints is, when do you take them off. The Migralens were so dark as soon as I took them off, I was blinded and dizzier than ever for hours.
@Space_Cadet please dont be tempted to wear sunglasses indoors for any length of time. Your eyes will quickly dark adapt.
@nin. Never heard of these but I found amber easy to adopt to. Just put them on and was OK which was strange because My brain couldnt accept that pink! Looked like we were about to hv a thunderstorm all the time looking outside and indoors truly weird colours. Felt nauseous.