Mini pill causing a flare after a week?

Hi all

Does anyone know if taking the mini pill can cause a migraine exacerbation? I have been gradually coming out of a relapse and started the mini pill a week ago yesterday. For the last 3 days my migraine has been awful again and significantly flared up. Iā€™m wondering whether to stop this for the time being?
I read it can lower serotonin in the brain and my Amitriptyline is trying to raise this in order to combat migraine?

Any ideas?


I take amitriptyline and the mini pill and have never had a problem, but everyoneā€™s reaction to medication is different. I always have a flare-up when I start a new medication, it usually lasts a few days to a week, then settles. Iā€™d maybe give it a week or 2, then contact your doctor if itā€™s still bad

Hi Louise

Thank you for your reply. Iā€™m in two minds now because I started the mini pill and Elvanse (ADHD) medication a week ago together, my Neuro wanted me to start it even though Iā€™ve told her it starts off my migraine again as itā€™s happened before. So I guess Iā€™ll have to wait it out again now! Iā€™m just so fed up of this.

What mg of Amitriptyline do you take?

It does sound like itā€™s probably the Elvanse, since you had a bad reaction to it last time. I take 75mg of amitriptyline a day xx

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Hey Louise

Yes me too as of 6 weeks ago going from 60mg Amitriptyline. It definitely started working but now this set back since the Elvanse :persevere: I did send my Neuro an email explaining but. I donā€™t know, Iā€™m frustrated right now because last Sunday I was out having Sunday lunch without any issues and now my hearing is so sensitive and full Iā€™m wearing ear plugs around the house! Probably take a while to get back to normal again now xx

Thatā€™s so frustrating for you :pensive: If youā€™re in the UK I hope the heat hasnā€™t made you worse on top of everything. Iā€™ve been hibernating all weekend to avoid a flare-up.
Itā€™s so demoralising when youā€™re in the middle of a flare-up but youā€™ll be back out for Sunday lunch soon enough :slightly_smiling_face: xx


Hey Louise

Oh I know, yes I am in West Yorkshire, very warm here today indeed. Iā€™m sorry youā€™re feeling delicate too! This disease can be so life altering for sure. I read so many success stories and often wonder if that will ever be for me? Iā€™ve had so many ups and downs. I thought the mini pill might help but Iā€™m staying off those for the time being. I need to get back to how I was last week and I know it will take time. I hope youā€™re feeling a little better and the heat hasnā€™t hindered your head? Xx

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Elvanse has lots of side effects. Headaches are ā€œvery commonā€ and dizziness is ā€œcommonā€.
Here is a link: Elvanse Adult 30mg Hard Capsules - Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC) - (emc)
You need to scroll to the middle of the document to see the side effects.

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Hi Katharina

Thank you for that. Yes it appears to have flared my migraine up again for sure. Thing is itā€™s not just a normal migraine that some people might get as you know, itā€™s daily symptoms yet again until it decides to settle down. I hate being a guinea pig trialling meds, especially when it flared me up before and I told the Neuro this :persevere:

Hi Kirsty, I so totally get what you mean about success stories. I tend to think more and more that as women our ā€˜success storiesā€™ are more nuanced and complex. Iā€™m actually wondering what made you want to go on the mini pill (if reasons beyond contraception alone)? I cant comment on the ADHD meds, but I have been thinking a lot about hormones. Im currently on day 72 of my cycle, having had a 13 day cycle before this. For the last week, my MAV symptoms have been much worse, as I think my period has attempted to get going a couple of times. I also cant tell what the overlap with PMS is. I have wondered whether the pill could help. And this bloody heat is making everything so much worse!!! :hot_face::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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That is so true. It seems that we need to be very prepared when we go to a doctor, sometimes with peer-reviewed evidence, and we need to stand up for ourselves. It should not be like this.


Hey Springer

Thank you for replying :relieved:

I think our bodies are just so complex and so is the MAV. I went on the pill because a private neurologist who suggested it to me and last week I was feeling much better than I had been so though it was a good time, even though I wasnā€™t 100% and was told to start the Elvanse immediately. Never again will I do this! Iā€™ve sent her an email my neurologist Iā€™m not willing to trial something thatā€™s making me this Iā€™ll again. Honestly can believe Iā€™m back to this! :roll_eyes::disappointed:

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Hey Katharina

You are so right! She was absolutely positive that it wasnā€™t the Elvanse because it caused a certain ā€œtype of headacheā€! Nope it starts a migraine attack off for me! After only a week being on it. I wish Iā€™d have told her I wasnā€™t willing to trial it again, but she insisted so I kind of had to try it again. Iā€™m disappointed :frowning:

Iā€™m in Yorkshire too! Todayā€™s weather has been brutal hasnā€™t it! Iā€™ve avoided a flare-up so far thanks, just taking it easy, but today Iā€™ve felt dizzy after standing for a few minutes so Iā€™ve had to rest inside all day. How are you coping?
I totally get what you mean about success stories, people mean well but everyoneā€™s experience is completely different so they can be demoralising sometimes. I just checked a post I wrote a few weeks ago which was categorised as a success story but it was more ā€œhereā€™s some general tips Iā€™ve learnt over the last 6 yearsā€ and realised you were the only person who commented on it! :heart_eyes: Did you get your shower stool? Xx


Hey Louise!

Oh wow really? So are you south? North?
Oh the heat! Itā€™s killing me off today! :hot_face:

Iā€™m glad you managed to keep a flare up at bay! Hopefully it continues for you :relieved:

Iā€™m pretty much the sameā€¦ my ears feel like theyā€™re going to burst! Today though I managed to drive to the local post office. Donā€™t ask me how?! Felt shocking but managed and rested ever since :confounded: brave or stupidā€¦ you decide :triumph:

Iā€™m sorry nobody else replied to your post! I thought it was great, yes I did buy a shower stool :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: itā€™s fab! Amazon stealā€¦ great for this last relapse although Iā€™m trying not to use it as of the last week. Great tip! If youā€™re quite close we should grab a coffee sometime! MAV permitting, of course. :expressionless:xx

Iā€™m in North Yorkshire :slightly_smiling_face: You did really well to drive, itā€™s really good for your recovery to keep doing usual activities xx

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Hey, how are you getting on? With the new meds and the pill? Actually the pill was suggested to me a couple of days ago by my GP. Something to think about :thinking: hope youā€™re feeling a bit better and coping ok with this insufferable heat! :purple_heart:

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Hey Springer! :blush:

How are you doing?
Thank you for your message!

I know the heat is absolutely melting isnā€™t it? Well I am doing a lot better thankfully since my bad relapse. I went to the Gp Friday as my ears were so full and I was a little deaf (I thought it was migraine) anyway it turns out I actually have Eustacian tube dysfunction! This will be the second time Iā€™ve had this. So Iā€™m on some nasal steroids for that. I must say though that Iā€™m glad as usually they canā€™t find anything wrong with my ears! So Iā€™m hoping these steroids will work for me. Not much in terms of migraine thankfully. Just some low level dizziness when walking around the supermarket earlier but Iā€™m back to doing everything normally now. Which seems so bizarre as only a matter of weeks ago I was so poorly.

I really appreciate your message :sparkling_heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Ahhh thats excellent news!! So happy for you. Long may it continue :heart_eyes:

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Thank you! I am still mavvy but not to that degree :sweat_smile:
This heat however is testingā€¦ :hot_face:

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