Covid Vaccine

I think it’s important to be point out that we will never have accurate data, due to politics and poor data capture by countries across the world. So data should always be taken with a small pinch of salt. There is certainly sufficient real world evidence to show that Covid-19 is nothing like influenza. The long Covid clinics which have been set up reflect the severity of the illness. I wish we had “Long MAV” clinics!!

It’s also highly likely that we will never find out how Covid-19 started.


I think we may well benefit from the ‘Long Covid’ clinics/research which will without doubt have trillions thrown at it. From a practical viewpoint the similarities between Long Covid and MAV are amazing. If the Research benefits the long ‘Coviders’ it could well rub off on us. I’ve been optimistic about this for months already. It will be the NHS first major total exploration of the effects of long debilitating conditions.


We can only hope so. Given the strain on the NHS, I somewhat doubt any such clinics will be set up for other long-term conditions.

So many MAV suffers could benefit from such simple things such as physiotherapy, yet the NHS waiting lists is several months for even the basics. They should promote vestibular physiotherapy as a career path, and pay them more money!

I see no reason why MAVers shouldn’t share the same clinics as could people with brain tumours and others with balance type issues from other long term conditions.

U.K. NHS could certainly benefit from vestibular physiotherapy and indeed proper VRT. Two grandchildren of a friend of mine have recently trained as general physios and each had an element of vestibular training as part of their courses which I understand is a recent inclusion. One small step in the right direction maybe. Let’s hope so,

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Capacity perhaps? Are there even enough vestibular physios in the UK to look after that many people?

I’ve been waiting 2 months for my first CPT appointment with the physio down at Queens Square. I called them up and they said I simply have to wait, and that they dont know how long the waiting list is :unamused:

Good news on the inclusion of vestibular training. If only they could train the doctors aswell… :roll_eyes:

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At the risk of getting off topic … I don’t think VRT is much better than a walk in the park and general activity. A couple of sessions and a list of exercises to keep you going is probably enough …

I needed the full course. Every second of it.

Simply brilliant - I’ve shared this everywhere. It’s soooo obvious what’s happening.


It’s so weird, that even with these obvious and well documented facts, people would stil; have this mRNA liquid put into them. To me it’s extremely sad. They must simply believe anything they’re told, which amazes me. Do desperately gullible. It is an IQ test. It used to bother me more than it does nowadays… I’ve said goodbye to them metaphorically and very happy to let them go.


My parents, sister and nearly all my friends are thrilled to get the genetic altering medical intervention (they aren’t even close to being able to be defined legally or medically as vaccines). These are all folks who wouldn’t think of eating GMO foods but they are anxiously awaiting becoming genetically modified organisms. It boggles my mind.

If these were vaccines and they worked, there’d be no need for social distancing, masks, lockdowns or the other non-scientific and society destroying measures once you get the shot(s). But they aren’t. You can still get covid. You can still transmit covid. Fauci said so himself. At best it will reduce symptoms. Otherwise they wouldn’t need a coordinated global propaganda campaign trying to force 100% compliance.

But my mom, my sister, my friends think this is the key to getting back to normal. News flash: government doesn’t give power back once taken. Note the temporary Patriot Act is still in place two decades on. This, global medical tyranny and totalitarianism, is the new normal. The easiest way to control a population is through fear. What better tool than an invisible bogeyman that might kill you if you breathe fresh air alone In a park or riding your bike? It keeps us clamoring for more draconian melodrama, measures our governments are ready to provide.

And Brawndo bought the FDA (an Idiocracy reference). After all, cui bono - fear mongering media keeping you coming back, their mostly big pharma sponsors and the multi-national corporations deemed ‘essential’. If they cared about public health they’d follow Sweden’s model. That isn’t the purpose.



Actually I’m incorrect even on that.

“cases” is probably just a figure based on death certificate (if you are lucky). That tells you little about why someone really died and certainly is far from based on a test, especially globally, especially early on and especially in poorer countries.

Another big one is early death, the statistical of bringing forward someone’s death a little because of an epidemic. The death would have occurred anyway in the near future but it’s brought forward a little (That’s discussed in the video I shared)

So you simply can’t divide deaths (attribution unreliable, vast over estimate) by number of cases (vast underestimate) and get an accurate death rate.

IFR from study in Nature: TLDR - it’s MUCH less than 3%!:

For anyone below 60 it is less than 1%, falling dramatically with youth.

Anyone above 80, well, data will be hugely skewed as people approach, or pass average life expectancy?

E.g. if someone dies at 90 with COVID, are we to be shocked?

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Which model? Initially they went for Herd Immunity though my understanding is that is long abandoned as the high death toll, 47 I think was quoted, and that’s total if 47 not 47/100,000 was considered unacceptable. So they introduced restrictions.

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Excess deaths are the only accurate assessment. You can’t call it ‘rate’’ because your statement above applies. And excess deaths can only be calculated retrospectively so we won’t get a figure any time soon. I don’t know how true it is but heard they are still calculating the 1918 Spanish Flu lot.


Yep, and some of those will be due to cancer because the NHS took its eye off the cancer ball … etc. … etc.

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Early estimates suggest far more people will die as a consequence of lockdowns than would have from Covid, especially as studies are showing similar or increased incidence of covid in areas that locked down vs areas that didn’t (they’re all over but a good example is CA, NY, NJ vs FL and TX on a per capita basis). In the single minded focus on one bug they’ve doomed the population to missed medical treatment, missed preventive screening, untold psychological damage, deaths of despair (domestic violence, OD, suicide), deaths related to poverty and in the third world mass hunger.

Age adjusted death figures are also telling. The boomers are a huge group in an old demographic. While the group lives they drag up the age adjusted death rate. When you take that trend into account the overall death rate is about the same for the last five years. We’re just labeling deaths differently - or covid somehow cured the flu (50-60k usually die from that annually in the US), heart disease, cancer, etc.

We’ll never know the true number of cases. PCR was never meant for this. The test takes tiny fragments of DNA and fills in the blanks by magnifying the sample. The inventor of the test said you could use it to erroneously find anything in anyone. Above 20 cycles the test produces false positives. The WHO and CDC had the threshold at 40 cycles. At that rate false positives are over 90%. These people without symptoms getting positive results aren’t asymptotic carriers, they don’t have covid though they do have the usual compliment of old virus, old antibodies, etc we all carry around after millennia of evolution.

Ironically folks getting the jab may become asymptotic carriers as the point of the mRNA is to turn you into a virus spike manufacturer so your body will create antibodies.


It’s not long abandoned.

I’d assumed it was since they introduced restrictions and I’d seen the snippet discussing how they were making changed due to the high number of deaths I mentioned earlier but must admit I haven’t been following it avidly on the internet and British TV tends to mention legislation in other European countries and rarely Scandinavia.

Beyond actual death rates, there is the small matter of long covid too. Some people may suffer chronic long-term illness, similar to vestibular conditions.

This is a critical consideration for governments. Having potentially millions of people in society which suffer from a chronic illness like long covid, would be a huge burden on the state and economy.

Many of us regularly wait many months for NHS appointments (pre-Covid). Imagine if we had a few million extra people with long covid & neurological issues etc.

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To be fair though, government policies as part of the response to COVID haven’t exactly been easy on the economy!

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