Mental Welfare & Psychotherapy

Sometimes, in an effort to intervene as conservatively as possible, your health practitioner will refer you to a psychotherapist if they think it would be beneficial. This is often very helpful and can help reduce your anxiety levels which can have a really positive impact on your symptoms and quality of life.

Anxiety is broadly ‘fear of the immediate future’ and can precipitate a lot of symptoms on its own and really harm your quality of life, so it’s very important to get this under control.

Depression is another angle. A lot of chronic illness can cause depression, and vestibular issues are no different. It’s ok, this is expected and if you are experiencing depression from your condition we understand completely. However, it is also important to get this under control as it will also clearly impact your quality of life. Discuss this with your primary specialist who is managing your condition and your psychotherapist if you are seeing one.

There are several kinds of psychotherapy, and your therapist may lead you through a protocol of one or more of them:

There are several books on this subject on the recommended products page.

It is not always always enough, but it’s worth a try and can certainly do no harm to commit yourself to it. If you don’t respond enough to these methods, it may be time to discuss medication with your specialist.

Sometimes, in difficult cases of anxiety and/or depression your primary specialist will refer you to a psychiatrist to try and treat your depression. In our experience this is not always necessary, as depression can often pass spontaneously without anyone’s help as things get a bit easier and your condition mellows. The psychiatrist may choose to prescribe antidepressants to help you.

A note about Acceptance & dealing with the emotional toll of a chronic condition.

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