Covid Vaccine

Sorry I missed your reply. They don’t have a clue… starting by saying it’s not the vaccine (that made me very mad) so now I have to see a neurologist on the 5th.
I also have muscle weakness and pain.
Here I think the doctor should report it, I found nowhere to do so… of course if the GP is in denial he is not going to raise the issue


In the US it’s VAERS; UK it’s Yellow Card.

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Here in the US, they were saying 70%, then it was maybe 80%. It’s a moving target! I believe their targets are politically motivated and not based in fact at all.

I’m encouraged to hear the disease is disappearing at 30%.


Here desired levels have been constantly upgraded. Hate to disillusion you but most recent estimate I’ve read in U.K. National Press was well over 80% and included the proviso that it had to include all children. Experts here are still debating whether of not it’s wise to jab children at all. Article in today’s press states three quarters of all adults (current total stands at 62%) and all teenagers. Lots of ‘guessamates’ but all extremely hard to achieve I suspect.

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Latest news relating to Covid jabs. In England all over 50’s to be ‘offered’ a Booster Jab from September to be administered at same time as Flu Jab.

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What ever happened to natural immunity? Never before has herd immunity relied solely on artificial intervention.


What indeed. Good question. Extremely good question. No idea how the figure for herd immunity is calculated but we hear nothing at all about natural immunity. We do hear what I consider to be far too disproportionately about the - huge numbers they would have one believe - of people who are either immune to vaccination, unable for medical reasons to partake of same or whose immune system is compromised so the jab will not take effect, but no, we hear nothing of natural immunity. But there we continually being told we are ‘at war’ with Covid. The first casualty of war is always truth.


I suspect truth was never part of this equation.

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I was thinking the same. When speaking of this virus, “immunity” is spoken about as if it is only applicable to those with the jab.
I have immunity…. Just no govt issued card to prove it.


Here they do at least acknowledge the immunity crested by having caught the virus but not any natural immunity. I do wonder whether there is some allowance for it in the calculations. Maybe.

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Natural immunity isn’t in the profit motive.

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I have had both Astra Zeneca shots and I didn’t notice any increased vertigo or dizziness. I had other symptoms but it didn’t flare up MAV at all

All you say is so right; back in March, and even more so these days.
I’ve come to the conclusion that people are so gullible and therefore they make their choices and take their chances.

Mostly I just want to be wrong.

Hi what’s the consensus here? Has anyone had a good experience? I’m still in a relapse and don’t want worse symptoms as many of you don’t want but I also don’t want covid

I am good, I dont feel any side effects so far and hoping there would be no adverse effect.

I’m 48 hours post vaccine and have a little more dizziness than my usually daily. Can someone give me some hope because I was just on vedas message board and it was badddddddd

I was fine. Had horrible flu symptoms 18 hours in then it went. Good luck

Thanks! I hope it doesn’t change much